Remember, EVIL, like darkness can only scare your lite out. Once you stand and lite it will be exposed, and every thing it does exposed will backfire on it. Evil exposed is destroyed, like darkness is destroyed by lite. Every living thing possesses this lite. All you need to do is take the first Milli step in the direction you '''KNOW''' to be right.
Tuesday, April 26, 2016
Debbie Wasserman Schultz stumbles while trying to defend Clinton email s...
I was asked why Hillary gets off without a hitch on so many criminal investigations over the years while guys like Nixon get BLEEDIA hung so quick and easy for doing what many if not all presidents do? The following was my basic reply: Nixon wasn't sufficiently connected to the beast while bucking it, who would want to be?, and unfortunately hadn't created the proverbial GIANT. The same power that Hillary, Obama, and many others are connected too, were the powers attacking Nixon. The BLEEDIA is the actual mouth piece, vocal cords, of the 'BEAST'. Hillary is connected to the same powers that JFK was famous for warning us about in speeches, who eventually had him Assassinated. You don't have to do anything to destroy these Evil powers! All that has to be done is a sufficient amount of the masses have to become aware, be able to see it. Unfortunately, people can't seem to even understand there's a problem, much less become aware of it, let alone, visualize it accurately enough. FYI, virtual reality technology has potential to open eyes of those who have trouble understanding, if justly used for that purpose. Who has the time understand this stuff, we're all very busy with life, but we must now take the time to save our very lives we're so busy with. Seeing it by sufficient numbers, kills it, just like light kills dark. Even the Bible warns of wickedness in high places. That means, conspiracies by Evil powerful secret societies, etc., who are in control because they have the power to be in control. Nixon bucked that power, that's what happened to Nixon, & many others. If a leader is going to successfully buck this power, who now days, are many times over; TRILLIONAIRE Oligarchs, he must be wise enough to awaken the masses, like what Trump is naturally organically doing with 'truth bombs'. Whether Trump realizes it or not, if he awakens the GIANT sufficiently enough, every thing the 'BEAST' tries will backfire. If Trump backs off, or cows to them in any way, he will get destroyed. Trumps only hope now for success, is to go all out, no letting up, 'balls to the walls'. He must expose the 'enemy of freedom' to the public, with 'truth bombs'. Lucky for us, It's a battle he's got himself in, we can only hope he has the innate gift of correct strategy, and he will actually, make America greater then it ever was. The main thing for Trump is absolutely no real fear, no matter what the threats become. Trump has to realize he can't get away with stepping on a Cricket, any thing Trump does that can be blown up as evil, wrong, criminal, etc., the BLEEDIA instantly will be on it like stink on shit, but no matter what the BEAST does, it will backfire as long as Trump has a ground swell of mass support, meaning the proverbial GIANT totally engaged on his behalf. En-order for Trump to keep the GIANT inflated and fully engaged, he has to continue to legitimately strategically, 'truth bomb' using the endless stock pile, lists of fraud, the "establishment", "gloBULL Oligarchy", "NWO take over", "the BEAST", there's many names one can put on it, I like 'BEAST' it sums it up real accurate for many reasons I wont elaborate on now, but it's not because the Bible term. The Bible used the term BEAST precisely because it sums it up real accurate. Of course I don't suggest any of Trumps team to actually use any of these terms, some of them maybe, but not BEAST, not to inhibit his team from natural organic self, but realize communication must blend with an enormous global audience, the team must be "professional" at all times. Trump has to hire many skilled specialized individuals, cost is no issue. The returns on these investments will be as enormous as the GIANT itself. The GIANT is in range of a billion or more people globally and growing, with all the masses of unknown gifts that are abundant within that large a group, it's gloriously unspeakable. Every millisecond this GIANT has ready, wide eyed, lion heart, warriors on guard. The BEAST compared to a developed proverbial GIANT, the beast is like a weasel tied to a bar of gold with a tenor guitar string in the face of a giant pissed off agitated hungry lion. Trump can rest in total peace, and should, he needs his rest, and lots of it. Trump can relax, lose all fear, take no offense to anything, and just naturally organically be himself, which seems to be innately gifted for this task ahead.
Professional doesn't mean p.c., or pandering to bondage BEASToids. The GIANT can't get much use out of the well bound BEASToid. Luckily in Trump's gift bag there's innate wisdom on how to unshackle well bound BEASToids through the natural organic course of honestly 'truth bombing' freedoms enemies. By professional, I basically mean, don't "lose it". "Losing it" will happen, no one can be perfectly "professional". But, Trump, and all the parts of his team who have to openly communicate especially on air, must have very good skills in that regard. In my opinion Trump's team shines in that regard so far, just continue to get bigger and brighter. NO pandering to BESToids, NO p.c., but do your level best at NO "losing it", because the Trump team truly has all the real power on its side, by miles and miles. "Losing it" is tied to the feeling of intimidation, you can leave intimidation behind, the GIANT is on your side. We're all gifted in vastly different ways, some of us can't control not "losing it". I bring this up because I'm an actual retard in this regard, I do my open communicating in very self scrutinized print, very little verbally on the cuff, for me, doing that is literal suicide.
Saturday, April 23, 2016
CrossTalk: Those 28 Pages
Gas, oil, & coal are much more valuable as synthetic carbon material, & hydrogen for rocket fuel & fuel cells, then they ever were as just energy. America needs to immediately bring back the old G.A.L.T. Chemical Reactor using liquid fluoride salt of Thorium/U233 now known as LFTR, a type of MSR. JFK stated in a speech that GALT technology would be the only energy by 2000, replacing all fossil fuel. That would have happened but for the gloBULList shutting down, and covering up the technology, making it illegal for US scientist to even work with chemical thorium, or any thorium for that matter. This fraudulent illegality of thorium is what destroyed America's rare earth industry, sense thorium is typically found in the same ore as rare-earth minerals. Potassium in Bananas is more radioactive then thorium! This is a major fraud, because MSR's are 100% walkaway safe, use 97% of fissile potential, have no waste issue, is non weapons prolific, is modular by default making the extremely fragile power grid obsolete, etc., there's many more positives to this nuclear technology. If Fukushima was a MSR it would have harmlessly solidified, spilling absolutely zero radiation, and Chernobyl would have never exploded, MSR's are under zero pressure. Comparison to solid fuel in todays LWR's use only .05% of fissile potential, have an enormous waste issue, are prone to pressure leaks, explosions, and dreadful meltdowns, like Fukushima, and Chernobyl. They took your extremely, clean, safe, cheap, modular, power technology! Now they've all but taken your sovereignty, your farms and ranches, and soon your 1st & 2nd amendments, and the great gullible American coward is still sucking its clueless thumb, while contemplating giving them a carbon tax. Wake the fuck up, you god damn pathetic bastards!! This enemy is noting but darkness, completely destroyed by light. How many more Fukushima's do you think the oceans can handle???????
Sunday, April 17, 2016
The Scary TRUTH About The Catholic Church (Roman Catholic Jesuit Pope Ex...
How will Americans keep this giant organization (the beast) from taking your small arms and munitions, if not by a new energy/material paradigm?? You ask how a new energy/material paradigm will starve this BEAST who's sustenance is suffering? Here's just a small list of what MSR Thorium power/carbon nano's will bring to humanity. It will trivialize the cost of the following, electricity, housing, transportation, real food production, 3Dprint manufacturing, secure communication, fresh water from any ocean, waste disposal, environmental clean up, space exploration, detecting & deflecting asteroids, understanding, knowledge, information, mass communication, connection to one another, ubiquitous lie detection ending crime as we know it, etc., etc.. Technologies like, Robotics, quantum computers, nano sensors, nano optics, nano etc., etc.. Just imagine everyone living like millionaires live today, but orders of magnitude less resource destruction, and utilization. The only thing holding you back is your fear, and the fight this BEAST will wage against you for it's very survival. In short, by empowering the individual you maintain the power to retain, and protect freedom from its enemies. Didn't the current paradigm, fossil fuel/metallurgy empower the individual? These technologies must come about under freedoms control for humanities long term survival, and short term protection from all the ills of the evil side of these technologies, which is pretty much all you'll get if freedom fails.
Thursday, April 14, 2016
MSNBC Morning Host Admits The "Whole Voting System Is Rigged" After Bern...
"Democracy" usually picks the Cabal's choice, but when it fails too, there's plan B, C, etc.. You know what I mean, jelly bean. You're a slave bitch, get used to it, cause you've been one for many generations, you're just far too dumb to realize it. You want to put the screws to this Cabal??? Shove a new Energy/Material paradigm down its throat, otherwise you're wasting your breath. Half of "the 1%" is only about 30 people, those 30 people will loose their strangle hold with a major energy material advancement. Metallurgy and fossil fuels were big, eased direct and indirect slavery immensely, but Thorium and carbon nano's, made largely from coal, oil, and gas, will be orders of magnitude better for easing "slavery". Most people in the west don't feel like slaves now, no one will in the future. ""OR.., you can go back to the dark ages with global Islamification, it's entirely your choice.
Listen to Barbra Boxer in this video;
Just for truth record, if no one is smart enough to believe this I could care less at this point, but CO2 is extremely '''GOOD''' for the environment, and is '''NOT'' causing any warming whatsoever, hope that's Cristal clear!!!! What's extremely bad for the environment, is the aluminum/barium particulates being spayed in the atmosphere for 30+ years, '''''IT'S GOT TO STOP NOW, GOD DAMNIT, you're bringing down the ozone layer!!!! Some other environmental disasters caused by man are, you picked the wrong nuclear technology, solid fuel nuke is a disaster in the making. Some less important environmental damage, but is poisoning people, plants, animals, and is completely unnecessary, is improper disposal of chemicals, and trash.. Don't bury, properly incinerate, it can be done cleaner then burning coal, so why the f**k are you burying it!!!!! Even less important to the environment, but extremely important to food production, real food that is, ''''''''FEED THE GOD DAMN SOIL WITH YOUR FOOD WASTE, SEWAGE, AND DEAD!!!!
What Barbra Boxer needs to get her attention is grab her hair, pull her head back, take a Thorium MSR science book, shove it sideways down her esophagus, and for good measure, go ahead and scalp her while you got her hair. She nor any government controlled by a Cabal of about 30 people who want to kill 6 billion people are ever going to do the right thing for humanity. If you're stupid enough to think they will, getting wiped from the genome is your fate.... A sufficient number of people have to fearlessly rise up, and destroy these shit holes in your face, "PEACEFULLY!!!!! MY VIOLENT TONE HERE IS METAPHORIC!!!!! Believe me, these shit holes will bring the violence to you, that's the only thing they specialize in, human suffering!!
And, PLEASE don't be so dumb to end up with this as your next Comander-in-Chief:
I promise.., you won't like the results.. LOL It is funny that she's even being considered, it shows just how stupid humans really are!!! If she gets in, freedom can kiss its ass goodbye.. You cowards still have to make sure the current "unimpeachable" enemy in the White House does not end up with a 3rd term as Dictator-in-Chief under FEMA emergency powers.
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