Saturday, June 4, 2016

MUST-SEE: Loesch Tears Into Liberals' 'Bunk Narrative' Pushing Gun Control


The legal theft lefty, commie & to dumb to know it, drunk on pinko cool-aid kid here is off her rocker, and off by miles on every pathetic point she made. She actually believes what she's saying though, %!@^&%$#&!! Bottom line, we have our guns, and you can't take them, na-na na-na boo-boo! Americans may own more guns by far than any other nation, but I'm telling ya, we don't have nearly enough. Buy guns buy ammo, and don't get ripped off! There's a lot of garbage being sold, consult real professionals, especially with AR's & such. You want something that's fail prof as possible. Check out the ARAK (AR AK combo) it looks interesting. The main thing, you must get training, and gun etiquette seared into your brain. Get the training before you buy the gun, because it's what's important. If shit goes south, guns will be available, if nothing else the enemy has plenty, with ammo. Training training training, just learn on line to start. Look folks, the gloBULList want all peasants on earth to be unarmed. They can succeed, only if we let them. The gang banger's and the like are out of control on purpose, it's symptom of no freedom, plus the mayhem is actively fed, funded, & facilitated by the gloBULL Oligarchy who we in one way or other all work for. The gloBULList need an excuse to bring in the "Safe City Initiative", and other crap. The gloBULLshits have been working on the project to bring mayhem to cities for well over 30 years, plus have many other disarm strategy irons in the fire. They truly have endless resources, but still can only win if we let them. Freedom always has ways, including the easy way, which would be the following. Orders of magnitude cheaper electricity. Liquid Fluoride Thorium Nuclear Reactors are the next energy technology that will take humanity to a new paradigm of civilized empowerment. Every paradigm in energy brings a paradigm in material, from [coal / metallurgy], to [proper liquid salts nuclear fission / man made carbon atomic level designed materials]. (coal/metal, to LFTR/carbon). After LFTR/carbon, Helium3 fusion/carbon, then finally man will learn to use anti matter, the sky's the limit after that. The 'BEAST' will hold us back, but only if we let it. The current 'BEAST' can't survive in a LFTR/carbon human civilization. So, it's simply fighting for its pathetic fear mongering life. A carbon civilization has orders of magnitude less vulnerabilities, & individual empowerment will be orders of magnitude higher. You won't be able to lie, you wont need to steal, terrorism will go out the window. By the way, all that carbon will mostly come from coal. The real value of coal has only scratched the surface! Believe what I tell you, it's absolutely 100% true, funding LFTR will smash the enemies of freedom.