Thursday, April 14, 2016

MSNBC Morning Host Admits The "Whole Voting System Is Rigged" After Bern...

"Democracy" usually picks the Cabal's choice, but when it fails too, there's plan B, C, etc.. You know what I mean, jelly bean. You're a slave bitch, get used to it, cause you've been one for many generations, you're just far too dumb to realize it. You want to put the screws to this Cabal??? Shove a new Energy/Material paradigm down its throat, otherwise you're wasting your breath. Half of "the 1%" is only about 30 people, those 30 people will loose their strangle hold with a major energy material advancement. Metallurgy and fossil fuels were big, eased direct and indirect slavery immensely, but Thorium and carbon nano's, made largely from coal, oil, and gas, will be orders of magnitude better for easing "slavery". Most people in the west don't feel like slaves now, no one will in the future. ""OR.., you can go back to the dark ages with global Islamification, it's entirely your choice.

Listen to Barbra Boxer in this video;  It's enough to completely piss off a freedom loving Human.  This commie Boxer needs to have MSR (Molten Salt Reactor) technology like LFTR shoved down her throat sideways, because she's asking for a solution to burning fossil fuel, '''SO GIVE HER ONE!!!!!!!!!!  You want to shut these damn carbon taxer commies up for good, MSR technology is the only way your going to do it.

Just for truth record, if no one is smart enough to believe this I could care less at this point, but CO2 is extremely '''GOOD''' for the environment, and is '''NOT'' causing any warming whatsoever, hope that's Cristal clear!!!!  What's extremely bad for the environment, is the aluminum/barium particulates being spayed in the atmosphere for 30+ years,  '''''IT'S GOT TO STOP NOW, GOD DAMNIT, you're bringing down the ozone layer!!!!   Some other environmental disasters caused by man are, you picked the wrong nuclear technology, solid fuel nuke is a disaster in the making.  Some less important environmental damage, but is poisoning people, plants, animals, and is completely unnecessary, is improper disposal of chemicals, and trash..  Don't bury, properly incinerate, it can be done cleaner then burning coal, so why the f**k are you burying it!!!!!   Even less important to the environment, but extremely important to food production, real food that is, ''''''''FEED THE GOD DAMN SOIL WITH YOUR FOOD WASTE, SEWAGE, AND DEAD!!!!

What Barbra Boxer needs to get her attention is grab her hair, pull her head back, take a Thorium MSR science book, shove it sideways down her esophagus, and for good measure, go ahead and scalp her while you got her hair.  She nor any government controlled by a Cabal of about 30 people who want to kill 6 billion people are ever going to do the right thing for humanity.  If you're stupid enough to think they will, getting wiped from the genome is your fate....  A sufficient number of people have to fearlessly rise up, and destroy these shit holes in your face,  "PEACEFULLY!!!!!  MY VIOLENT TONE HERE IS METAPHORIC!!!!!  Believe me, these shit holes will bring the violence to you, that's the only thing they specialize in, human suffering!!

And, PLEASE don't be so dumb to end up with this as your next Comander-in-Chief:  
I promise.., you won't like the results..  LOL    It is funny that she's even being considered, it shows just how stupid humans really are!!!  If she gets in, freedom can kiss its ass goodbye..  You cowards still have to make sure the current "unimpeachable" enemy in the White House does not end up with a 3rd term as Dictator-in-Chief under FEMA emergency powers.    

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