Saturday, July 16, 2016

AJ Show (2nd HOUR VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday 7/15/16: Matt Bracken Ta...


'Alex.., freedom, which by definition is a spiritual force, is under a full-throated attack by it's natural polar opposite, terror. The masters yielding this global scale, terror 'whip', of which Islamism is only a part, albeit a visibly large potent repugnant fast growing part, are the absolute top of the earthly food chain. They use spiritual forces (the BEAST) to hold their position of power, basically the fruits of their religion. This tiny sect of humanity with its wicked obscure religion, may very well be the oldest religious group on earth. The masters of this group are far far above in earthly power over, Soros, Gates, google, facebook owners, etc., etc., etc.. Those guys and gals are just simply very close to the vest, highly productive, extremely profitable, SLAVES. In fact, if you do the math, they fit the very definition of slave better then any slave in human history. Those at the very top of the pyramid are the MASTERS, except they're enslaved by the BEAST itself, you don't hear their names batted around much. It's those leaders that are the masters yielding this whip called terror. There's many aspects to terror, just as there's many aspects in the fine details of a well crafted whip. It's those leaders that you must free from their BEAST enslavement. The trick for us little grasshoppers, is to figure out just how to dissolve through starvation the conglomeration of spiritual entities, forces, etc., the BEAST is made up of, which those top masters are beholden too. Once the masters lose their power source, all the slaves succumb to freedom. ... Even the locust from time to time manage to starve whole populations of mammals by consuming all their food source. Freedom always has the superior upper hand, if only enough of you would realize this at the same time. The easy way, I keep saying but no one comprehends, is to build an extreme habitat for yourselves, which will empower all 7.5 billion of you, orders of magnitude from where you are now, alleviating suffrage, while spreading freedom like locus on lush crops. Suffrage is the only food source of your enemy (the BEAST). That extreme habitat, is a new energy/material paradigm, (LFTR/Carbon synthetics) which has been staring you right in the face for over 60 years, it's just a matter of recognizing it. ... Lets face it folks, we're up against a very powerful force. Even if you could, some how manage to take out their top slaves, they would simply buy new ones immediately, not to mention destroy you immediately. The George Sorros et al.'s, are merely slaves of their's. ''Trust me., if George for example, decided to buck this system he's shackled to, would get the kunta kinte treatment so fast his head would spin. ... Notice, this is all big picture strategy. That's because your enemy uses big picture strategies to enslave you. You must learn your opponent, and fight it correctly to actually beat it. You have no choice but to advance to a new energy/material paradigm. It is your only hope! It's what you must do for many many reasons. Even if you had no major BEAST metabolizing you, you would have to advance from the industrial age anyway, or eventually fall pray to your own stagnation.

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