Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Thorium (new) - Periodic Table of Videos

Censorship below of Will Power's Reply to Hjembrent Kent:

Will Power, 6 months ago:
American scientist are allowed to play with Plutonium all they want, but Thorium is completely off limits!?! The potassium in bananas is more radioactive then Thorium! Thorium is banned by the global Oligarchy, because its 1 million times more energy dense then coal, can be fissioned extremely safe with no waste issue, is extremely abundant, non weapons prolific, and creates high valued items from mining to fissioning, is therefore nearly free energy compared to anything we've used to date. But the real scary thing for the slave master's is it will empower the masses by orders of magnitude due in large part to the material science revolution cheap energy will create. Imagine 3D printed carbon based everything, irrigating right from the ocean with all the marvels of sea water minus only the salt, the list of benefits to mankind is endless.

Hjembrent Kent's Reply to Will Power:
Thorium breeder reactors produce pure bomb fuel directly, U-233, and normal reactors don't.

Will Power's Reply to Hjembrent Kent:
[CENSORED>>>>>>"U-233 is worthless bomb material, also it's needed as thoriums fissile material in a LFTR, so you can't use it for bombs if you need it for the reactor! ... Only liquid fuel technology is worth doing, because of the massive efficiency, safety, and waste differences. A LFTR uses 97% of fissile potential, solid fuel uses a pathetic .07%, leaving a monumental waste issue, not to mention, is prone to disasters which molten salt reactors like LFTR are totally immune too. ... Tell me, what's your point in resisting a vastly better nuclear fission? A million times better, cleaner, self regulating, can't blow up, can't melt down, if it was at Fukushima it would have harmlessly solidified, spilling ''ZERO radiation! I fail to comprehend why you sickos want to use the worst possible energy solutions?!? Either you're not researched, or like Bill Gates, queen Lizzy, the gloBULList et al, you want a carbon tax, and absolutely positively no solutions that actually work. Who told you U-233 was good bomb material? If so, why doesn't any country on earth save it. They all sell it to America, and we're dismantling it last I heard. Queen Lizzy (gloBULL Empire) ordered the dismantle of the only supply of U-233 on earth, its because LFTR interest in the nuclear science community is back in full swing, thanks to the information age, and just like last time this same technology was all the rage (1940's to 1973, when it was killed), the gloBULL empire must not let such good cheap abundant energy get developed. LFTR is the old G.A.L.T. Chemical Reactor technology developed by Alvin Weinberg in mid last century. You really should do some research on this subject, you'd be blown away how good it is, and the massive spoiler efforts led by the Royal family.">>>>>]

Very few people would have ever seen that conversation reply, yet it was instantly censored. Censorship occurrences is my targeting tool. That's how to find the BEAST's exact vulnerable spot. It's time to expose LFTR, thus killing the BEAST. ...... For time understanding, an instant kill of this kind of BEAST would be approximately 10 years, and we don't ever expect an instant kill. ... If we exposed LFTR, and actually got clean cheap abundant energy up and fully running electricity for the world, the current BEAST over humanity would quickly starve out. 'Sadly, LFTR intellectual property is currently being given to 700 Chinese nuclear scientist in China's own Manhattan style effort to own this technologies intellectual property, lock stock and barrel. All due to deals made between China, and the British Monarchy. After all, America can't eventually be destroyed if she owns LFTR, her very own invention, from mid last century! "America must not lose LFTR to China!

There's big-time censorship on the net of information your slave masters are actively keeping from you! It's quite comical. It's high time to build a decentralized net. A place to post censored info. People would eventually flock to it.

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