Remember, EVIL, like darkness can only scare your lite out. Once you stand and lite it will be exposed, and every thing it does exposed will backfire on it. Evil exposed is destroyed, like darkness is destroyed by lite. Every living thing possesses this lite. All you need to do is take the first Milli step in the direction you '''KNOW''' to be right.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Robert Spencer The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusad...
The beast, if you will, is slapping the 'black hornets nest' and spreading them ON PURPOSE!!!!!!! Why would you of basic common sense, think those who rule the world are naive to this religion.. They're not naive to it at all.. They painstakingly controlled it back in the early oil baron days of middle east oil exploration by setting up tin-pot dictators throughout the oil producing Islamic countries... Kill this beast with modern technology, LFTR, and carbon nano's, before it's too late!!!!!!!
Peak Everything: Oil, Water, Climate Stability, and More
These guys only made sense when they discuss the treatment of soil.. These guys actually assume mankind will not advance beyond using coal, oil, and gas, as fuel.. Thorium is the next fuel, not as a solid nuclear fuel though, only molten salt, this has been ignored for 70 years now.. After that Helium 3, after that antimatter.. There's no way to skip any of these steps, because material science can't advance without the cheap energy source.. The only thing in the way of this is your slave masters (the beast) as i like to call it.. It will be in the way as long as you're to chicken to kill it..
I can believe it!! I'm suddenly able to post this subject without censor! The following conversation all posted.. This much of this content matter has not been posting for me before.. Check out the following conversation, or see it in the video comments:
Will Power 4 days ago
These guys only made sense when they discuss the treatment of soil.. These guys actually assume mankind will not advance beyond using coal, oil, and gas, as fuel.. Thorium is the next fuel, not as a solid nuclear fuel though, only molten salt, this has been ignored for 70 years now.. After that Helium 3, after that antimatter.. There's no way to skip any of these steps, because material science can't advance without the cheap energy source.. The only thing in the way of this is your slave masters (the beast) as i like to call it.. It will be in the way as long as you're to chicken to kill it..
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Beyond 50 Radio 9 hours ago
+Will Power Who do you mean by "these guys." You have some interesting ideas about where our fuel should come from. Are you off the coal, oil and gas? Thorium is not a very stable component for fuel you know that!
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Will Power 5 hours ago (edited)
+Beyond 50 Radio The 2 guys on the video.. No, I'm not off coal, oil, or gas. Thorium is the best fission as long as it's in a liquid as in LFTR.. LFTR ran flawlessly for 6000 hrs in the late 60's.. The best fission efficiency man's ever made electricity from so far is only .07% fissile material utilization, LFTR burns 97% of the fissile material, leaving no waste issue.. If Fukushima were a LFTR it would have harmlessly solidified..
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Will Power 5 hours ago (edited)
+Beyond 50 Radio I wish I could show you the other three comments I made on this video that were censored.. I can only see them when logged in.. It's quite comical how censored good science is.. Junk science is never censored..LOL...
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Will Power 1 hour ago
+Beyond 50 Radio LFTR will save the US coal industry, the US rare earth mining industry, and it will not end the use of oil and gas long or short term ether, quite the opposite.. The carbon nano industry will need the carbon resource of fossils for a thousand + years to come..
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Will Power 1 hour ago (edited)
+Beyond 50 Radio Coal, oil, gas will become a carbon resource for the production of man made carbon nano materials, which way outperform everything. Mans carbon nano future, the 'carbon age' can only come about with cheap, safe, clean, abundant, energy, which for the first 200 approx years of the 'carbon age' can mostly only come from LFTR (thorium MSR fission). In the 'carbon age' man can concentrate on the beauty of nature instead of using nature.. For example, wood will only be needed as visual comfort, not as structure anymore.. Man made carbon materials will require lots of carbon, which will have to come from fossils, leaving hydrogen as a useful byproduct, (fuel cells)..
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Will Power 1 hour ago
+Beyond 50 Radio 100% efficiency solar panels would still be a joke in comparison to LFTR, which makes thorium 1 million times more energy dense than a carbon hydrogen bond, yet it is cleaner then solar. It's the closest thing man has to bring the power of a star down to earth, until carbon material science develops enough to obtain helium 3, and harness its fusion potential as mans power source.
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Will Power 26 minutes ago
+Beyond 50 Radio LFTR can not melt down, can not blow up, is non-prolific, is modular thus rids the need for a vulnerable electric grid, etc, etc, the list of positives is long.. Best of all LFTR will give humanity cheap energy to usher in a new paradigm in man made carbon nano material which take lots of energy to create.. These carbon nano material will give the world all kinds of magnificent environmentally friendly alternatives to everything man has today and much much much more. For example graphene ocean water filtration.. Ether pump fresh drinking water, or just remove the salt only leaving everything else for feeding the soil food crops all the minerals in perfect amounts.. Did you know population reduces naturally in advanced societies, and is out of control in areas like Africa where they are not allowed to advance with cheap coal powered electricity.. CO2 is not even a problem, but we don't even need it as power much longer, and could have gotten rid of it as power 60 years ago..
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Will Power 17 minutes ago (edited)
+Beyond 50 Radio Did you know the Navy has for 10+ years been making on the spot 90% cleaner burning synthetic hydrocarbons with sea water for 1/3 the coast of dirty ground based fossils, and thats with their antiquated dangerous only .07% efficient HWR on-board their vessels.. Imagine what LFTR can do at 97% efficiency.. By the way they toss the byproducts, bottle-able oxygen, fresh water, agricultural minerals, sea salt, etc, and there's many other marketable products from this process that could be sold to make gasoline and diesel that burns almost as clean a natural gas, and is 100% carbon neutral, and could easily be as cheap as .50 cents per gal.. We really don't need it anymore as fuel though, except for the hydrogen byproduct for fuel cells after harnessing the carbon.. The internal combustion engine is a dinosaur!!!! Carbon nano fiber motor winding are many times more conductive than copper and many times lighter than aluminum.. It's time for rims that are motors, and hydrogen saturated carbon fuel cells.. The military is already doing this with their latest Humvee prototype.. Its powered by a generator, but each rim is a motor, and it gets twice the mileage of its predecessor..
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Tuesday, December 29, 2015
MUST-SEE DOCUMENTARY: How Big Oil Conquered the World
The video is long and boring, i didn't watch much of it.. I just commented, and then saw my comment was censored.. The info in the comment is a death threat to the slave masters over humanity.. Research LFTR!!
The below comment managed to post on G+ without censor.. I placed it here anyway, because it's more explanation of killing the current BEAST over humanity.
"Mankind, if it should get on the right track of progress will be using fossil fuel for many hundreds of years to come. But not as fuel, instead as a carbon resource for the production of man made carbon nano materials, which way outperform everything. Mans carbon nano future, the 'carbon age' can only come about with cheap, safe, clean, abundant, energy, which for the first 200 approx years of the 'carbon age' can mostly only come from LFTR (thorium MSR fission).
In the 'carbon age' man can concentrate on the beauty of nature instead of using nature.. For example, wood will only be needed as visual comfort, not as structure anymore.. Man made carbon materials will require lots of carbon, which will have to come from fossils, leaving hydrogen as a useful byproduct..
Carbon nano's require lots of energy to create, so the 'carbon age' is impossible without very low cost energy. Instead of just fuel, fossils are orders of magnitude better for carbon nano raw material resource + they have hydrogen byproduct (fuel cells).
100% efficiency solar panels would still be a joke in comparison to LFTR, which makes thorium 1 million times more energy dense than a carbon hydrogen bond, yet it is cleaner then solar. It's the closest thing man has to bring the power of a star down to earth, until carbon material science develops enough to obtain helium 3, and harness its fusion potential as mans power source.
Humankind will change so drastically from these energy and material paradigm shifts its current control structures will not survive.."
I tried to post this comment here; , and here but of course it didn't show up for others, only me!! I'm telling you, it really is a big threat!!!
Monday, December 21, 2015
Shariah Law - Islamic Justice - Pure Evil.
This is a video link you won't be able to freely share on internet comments.. Censorship is alive and well..
Saturday, December 19, 2015
The Alex Jones Show (VIDEO Commercial Free) Monday December 14 2015: Tom...
A comment about Tommy Robinson's interview:
Why can't people understand.. Islam as written, anyone non Muslim is
'fair game'.. Thing is, all the atrocities that fall under 'fair game'
are pathetic criminal activity to us westerners under universal law,
(rape, murder, pedophilia, and as violent as possible to terrorize, and
force submission).. The Islamic societies controlled by this pathetic
theocracy thousand + years, one can imagine how pathetic their societies
have become.. Without the oil industry they couldn't exist beyond goat
herding.. Even with oil the west funds, and builds everything in their
countries.. They still don't manufacture anything, they don't
manufacture any mechanized merchandise whatsoever.. My point is, your
threatening enemy is not Islam, it's only your own governments helping,
aiding and abetting Islam that makes its utter patheticness a threat..
The end game, reason, purpose, method to the madness, etc, is to control
humanity, '''PERIOD!!!!!!!!! Why can't anyone see that????? Your all
slaves, and if you want to kill the current Beast over you, and move on
to a new paradigm, where other beasts will rise up, but that's besides
the point, then you must force that new paradigm down the throat of the
current beast over you.. That would be thoriums LFTR, and the new
carbon nano material paradigm, which must have LFTR's cheap, clean, safe
energy to come about..
Thursday, December 17, 2015
Mark Steyn Puts The Heat On Dem Senator Ed Markey At Climate Hearing
The carbon taxers can't handle a debate of the facts, they never have debated, and never will debate their nutty claims.. Lets just shoot strait to their crying made up problem of green house gases, and give them a solution.. To prove the last thing they want is a real solution.. LFTR can pull co2, and methane out of the atmosphere to make synthetic hydrocarbons at 1/3 the price of ground based fossils... With LFTR we can also sequester co2, and methane for manufacturing carbon nano materials.. Flibe Energy can have the first LFTR prototype in 5 years for only half a billion dollars.. We spent 4 thousand times that amount destroying the middle east.. We don't even need their f___ing oil anymore!!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Bill proposed to fight terror online
We don't need any further Bills, laws, regs, etc!! we need to remove the ones we have!! "'Look folks, Islam is at war with all non Muslims on planet earth.. That's not the real serious threat though.. They have always been at war with non Muslims, and their selfs.. They're pathetic in the face of freedom, because they've been so controlled by theocratic governance for so long.. They're absolutely nothing without the west spreading them through bombing, and then aiding (militarizing, training, arming, supporting), and then literally funding their migration (Islamic invasion). LOL It's a fucking sick joke, you idiots need to wake up too, before it's too late!!!! The real serious threat to freedom, is the western Oligarchy in control of this planets governments has decided to spread the problem of Islam, and it '''IS''' a big problem once it gets entrenched, to further their goals of a one world governing body.. They already possess all the tools and then some to catch any Muslim terror communications, this very comment will be censored for gods sake!!!! They are purposely NOT censoring any Islamic terror communication.. Even if they started to censor Islamic terror communication, that alone would have little effect on the Islamification of the world in the long run.. The only chance we have, is turning America's freedom clock back 150 years. We have to kill the beast in control of this worlds governments by shoving a new energy / material paradigm down its throat.. [Thoriums LFTR, and fossils as carbon nano's, and hydrogen fuel cells. ] The bracketed sentence will destroy the Beast, status quo monster, NWO, globalist Oligarchy, British Royal cult, whatever fucking name you want to call your leader, slave master, money master, wealth dictator, resource controller.. Its the fucking tippy top dog, and the spiritual forces through sorcery that it has over humanity.. These so called powerful forces are on the defense, because technology is advancing at break neck pace, and they have to stop and get control of it, '''OR DIE!!!! They know that!! The rest of you are clueless that you all have the upper hand.. If you shove the right spear in the right spot this beast is dead!! For gods sake, shove LFTR from companies like FLIBE ENERGY, and others, down the throat of this fucking beast before it kills freedom completely... '''''YOUR TIME IS RUNNING OUT FAST!!!!!!!! IMPEACH O'BOMBER ON THE BOWE BERGDAHL SWAP BEFORE HE BECOMES DICTATOR-IN-CHIEF!!!!!!!!! Surely you've all read the FEMA emergency powers provisions.. It's not worth the risk, plus if you start striking back you'll force your enemy to strike before its ready, thus increasing its chances of failure immensely.. Trust me, the Bergdahl swap is a slam dunk.. He did not get legal approval from congress, end of story!!
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
ISIS taunts America and the West in new propaganda video
This is why ''''ONLY!!!!! mercenaries will due!!!!!! Send mercenaries, and support them with regular troops to hold ground, and of course with air power.. The main thing in this struggle though is maintaining our freedom, and realizing how this religious based enemy operates, by looking at its 1500 year history, also knowing the pages of its books... Know the life and times of Mohamed, that will pretty much spell it out for you.. Link to short video that will surprise many about the truth of the Islamic faith.. Freedom trumps terror no matter if that terror comes from natural disasters, or the use of it at the hands of men.. For example, where would you rather be in an earth quake, California, or bum fucked Egypt.. In Cal, one person dies and Billions in damage, the other place, a
million+ die and ten dollars in damage... What made this nation so anti-terror is """"FREEDOM!!!!!! Freedom handles anything, terror only handles what submits.. Freedoms like the lion. Let it loose. It will defend itself...
Monday, December 14, 2015
• Muslims Establishing No-Go Zones in America • 1/14/15 •
Here's the video thats suppost to be here but it keeps being removed:
"Muslims extremism setting up terror camps in America, but not any
Americans will ever find out..LOL This is your governments "war on terror"
LOL Isn't quite what you thought, is it???"
Of course the above comment was censored on youtube and G+
Here's another video of the same kind of info:
Source of this info:
"Muslims extremism setting up terror camps in America, but not any
Americans will ever find out..LOL This is your governments "war on terror"
LOL Isn't quite what you thought, is it???"
Of course the above comment was censored on youtube and G+
Here's another video of the same kind of info:
Source of this info:
Sunday, December 13, 2015
Birth rates in US at all-time low
''''Yeah!!, if we can get traditional American birth rates down then in 50 years we can all be singing ala alla alal awk bird, sharia sharia sharia.. Let Muslims in by the millions, they have an average of 8.5 kids all on welfare at middle class traditional American expense, it shouldn't even take 50 years.. Functionally we already have the tax of Sharia, because under sharia non Muslims (dhimmis) have to pay a separate tax called, zakat..
Kinda surprising, the above comment was censored on youtube and G+
Trump needs to adopted LFTR (thorium power) as his clean energy policy, allowing for the carbon material science to develop the use of fossils for carbon nano materials instead of energy, except for the hydrogen byproduct which will be used for hydrogen saturated carbon fuel cell technology... This all will start a new economic BOOM as humanity embarks on the carbon age.. The carbon age requires dirt cheap energy for the production of carbon based molecular materials to literally replace everything, plastic, glass, steal, copper, aluminum, wood, concrete, asphalt, paper, even diamonds.. And my point is, all this economic activity will afford a new American baby boom.. Flibe Energy can have the first prototype LFTR up and running in 5 years for only Half a billion.. Go Trump Go ! ! !
Billionaire Saudi Prince Sends Donald Trump STERN Message | Truth Uncensored
Billionaire Saudi Prince Sends Donald Trump STERN Message | Truth Uncensored
GO TRUMP GO Trump should shut down Saudi oil wells with Flibe Energy's LFTR, as his energy future technology policy..
GO TRUMP GO Trump should shut down Saudi oil wells with Flibe Energy's LFTR, as his energy future technology policy..
University Academics Say Pedophilia Is ‘Natural, And Normal For Males To Be Aroused By Children’ | Truth Uncensored
University Academics Say Pedophilia Is ‘Natural, And Normal For Males To Be Aroused By Children’ | Truth Uncensored
Unbelievable bullshit!!!! Its time to kill the beast, by shoving thoriums LFTR, and a train full of coal down its throat!!!!
Unbelievable bullshit!!!! Its time to kill the beast, by shoving thoriums LFTR, and a train full of coal down its throat!!!!
Donald Trump Morning Joe HEATED FULL Interview 12/8/2015
Unbelievably phony, or else she's really that dumb... How the hell could Mika think that otherwise peaceful Muslims will now become terror recruits because Trump wants to temp stop Muslim ingratiation..LOL These aren't journalist they're just actors.. That was pretty good acting on Mika's part, pretending Trumps proposals are scaring her...LOL Give me a ____ Break.. Joe pretends there's not any no go zones in Europe.. I've seen so many videos on the no go areas in Europe, there's no way in hell these pathetic bleedia whores don't know about the Islamic disaster, and blatant non assimilation going on in Europe.
the above comment was censored on video and G+ with out the links added below
When the American Muslim population reaches 25+ % these nut jobs will
not be marching around like that, because then America really will have a
rape crisis..
"We need more Muslims on American streets to clean up the immorality!!" That sarcastic comment was posted to 10 videos, it posted on the first 4 and censored on the last 6, I guess the shitholes figured out it was sarcasm... ISLAMIC INVASION OF SWEDEN HAS LED TO RAPE CRISIS. " 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%" They call this 'rape jihad'
Here's what happened to a female reporter Megyn,
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Larry Wilmore With Mark Cuban on Trump: ‘He’s Trying to F**k the Country...
Mark is off his rocker out of touch with reality.. He can't even get Trumps actual statements correct.. Pausing the visa program is commonsense, sadly America is void of commonsense. For example, America doesn't even have the commonsense to spend a few billion on power grid transformer backups.. If Americas power grid is destroyed it would take years to have China build the thousands of custom transformers to get it back up.. Imagine America without power for 6 months let alone 2 years, LOL.. It's nice to finally see where the phony Mark Cuban actually stands on something.. It's so sad to see rich people forced to play all sides of every issue to stay successful. To me that's not worth any amount of money..
Of course the above comment is censored from my G+ page, the last thing the beast wants is the dumb Americans to realize their power grid has ''ZERO!! redundancy..
They're worried about the tiny fraction of people who may see this comment, that should tell you something!!! Trump is not trying to fuck America he's trying to save America, from it's own people no doubt!!!
Weekly Address: Standing Strong in the Face of Terrorism
What a piece of shit.. If you believe Obama when he says the same thing his predecessor George W always said, that militant jihad terror is not a part of the Ideology of Islam, then your not dealing with the reality of the situation your in, and that my friend will get you somewhere you didn't think you were going.. Its not just ISIS, there are 20+ named groups any untold unnamed groups of Muslims around the world who vehemently support terrorizing the west.. And the west itself is fortifying with money training and equipment all the major terror groups.. Not to mention bombing Muslims in their home countries is a huge terror recruitment tool.. Any one with half a brain and warm knows bombing humans makes them adhere to there religions..
O'Reilly: Trump Should Thank Obama, Left-Wing Media for Surging Poll Num...
O'Reilly, Trump would have won in 08 just the same as he's winning now,
if he would have ran.. Trumps risking everything, life, limb, and
family.. I don't think he was ready then, and now he sees no other
choice.. I just hope it's not too late.. Bill, you get the pin head of
the week award.. You really earned it..
another one bits the dust on G+, who would have thought this comment would be censored?!?!
Stock selloff: Should you panic?
T. Boone Pickens was wrong about his oil price prediction.. Why can't
T. Boone get on the LFTR energy solution band wagon which will save the
fossil fuel industry for the short, and long term. Carbon nano's like
nano wire, graphene, or artificial diamonds, and everything in between..
With low cost clean energy from LFTR the possibilities are endless
with carbon based molecule material science.. All that carbon will have
to come from somewhere, and that would be Coal, Oil, and Gas with a
byproduct of hydrogen..
That covers the long term need for fossils.. For the short term,
empowering the great people of the African continent with cheap Coal
power until LFTR comes on line.. This would not just be humanitarian, it
would prepare them for the massive changes that cheap power brings.
Come on T. Boone, what the hell do you have to loose.. Flibe energy
can have the first prototype LFTR in just five years for a mere half
Of course this above comment has to be censored from the video and G+.. LFTR and the carbon age is more than a threat, it spells absolute death for the current Beast over humanity.. This powerful force has managed to keep LFTR from us for 70 years, it's time to shove LFTR, and a train full of Coal down its throat..
Muslim Leader Admits Islam Not a Religion of Peace YOPhr0UQ9wc
But Islam is a peaceful religion?
another no go on my G+ page
Friday, December 11, 2015
Dr. Ben Carson slams 'false narrative' of refugee options
No other religion has sharia law, how do you deal with that??? Sharia
law is unconstitutional.. So make all Muslims sign a contract they will
never have sharia in America.. Ho so you deal with such a thing???
Freedom can deal with it just fine but we have little freedoms left on
the books, just not enforced yet...
another no go on my G+ page
Beginning of the end for Trump's campaign?
Go Trump Go!! All Trump has to do now is educate Americans on the real
Islamic Ideology, and how it's worshiped around the world... This will
push Trump to all time highs of 40+%... Trump may as well go all out
against the anti freedom establishment, and push LFTR as his energy
another no go on my G+ page
Will Trump run as a third-party candidate in 2016?
Trump may as well hit the Rhino's with LFTR as his energy policy, which
will be like hitting a Rhino with a mile long freight train... Blowing
the lid of the LFTR thorium scandal would destroy this commie NWO
establishment on both sides of the isle whether 3rd party or not..
the above comment was censored on my G+ page
Made in Japan vs Made in China -Must watch for yourself
Made in 'Chiner'!! You see now why America needs tariffs, the most
important constitutional tax, that actually protects America.. Oh no,
that's protectionism, Simon says that's bad bad bad.. Look folks,
protecting your self is essential to basic long term survival.. All
countries are not created equal, therefore you have to have a level
plying field when trading internationally, tariffs is the only possible
way to do that.. Having no tariff's creates a direct threat to our country,
citizens, and long term national security.. China makes absolute burn
barrel, worthless junk.. Guess who we'd have to rely on if our electric
grid were destroyed, China!!! China's the only place to get the custom
transformers built, and it would takes years to replace all ours...
Many experts say a total grid collapse from solar or EMP's would be the
end of America, I tend to agree..
the above comment was censored on my G+ page
Obama to bypass Congress on gun control?
There's lots of examples of good guy guns making mass killer situations
better, or stopping it altogether, but no examples of them making it
The Above comment was censored on my G+page
Life for women under Islamic law in Saudi Arabia
"But, there's a war on women here in America.."
The above comment was censored on my G+ page
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Will Trump run as a third-party candidate in 2016?
Below is another censored comment, which proves it's a terrible threat to the beast. I posted it on the video, and on G+.. It shows up for me, but no one else.. I'm not surprised one bit..
Trump may as well hit the Rhino's with LFTR as his energy policy, which will be like hitting a Rhino with a mile long freight train... Blowing the lid of the LFTR thorium scandal would destroy this climate commie NWO establishment on both sides of the isle, whether 3rd party or not..
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Donald Trump: Absolute Shutdown of Muslims Entering America; Immigration...
GO TRUMP GO ! ! ! ! ! It's very sad, but I'm afraid O'Bomber will not be leaving in 2017.. He will become a full blown dictator of the most powerful country on earth under FEMA provisions, surely you've all read them.. You would not believe the power they give to whoever happens to be in office during there use...
When the American Muslim population reaches 25+ % these nut jobs will
not be marching around like that, because then America really will have a
rape crisis.. ISLAMIC INVASION OF SWEDEN HAS LED TO RAPE CRISIS. " 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%" They call this 'rape jihad' Here's what happened to a female reporter Megyn,
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Lauren Southern clashes with feminists at SlutWalk
When the American Muslim population reaches 25+ % these nut jobs will
not be marching around like that, because then America really will have a
rape crisis.. ISLAMIC INVASION OF SWEDEN HAS LED TO RAPE CRISIS. " 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%" They call this 'rape jihad'
Here's what happened to a female reporter Megyn,
Terror in plain sight: How do you track a 'normal' couple?
Surveil the Islamic community sense its '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' '''''ONLY''' ''''ONLY''' coming from Muslims of the Islamic community.. Most are peaceful but we want to get the ones who are not peaceful, get the picture.! ! ! ! And freedom would handle it with private contractors... This link explains genuine American terror, perpetrated on our children for over 50 years.. Government is the problem, freedom is the solution to all all all all all mans ills....
TRUNEWS VIDEO: AG Loretta Lynch to Prosecute 'Anti-Muslim Speech'
The bigest terror being perpetrated on humanity is coming from those who control governments, jihad is hopeless without their help to spread, and mow down freedom... Freedom is the only anti terror, no matter where the terror comes from.. An earthquake is terror by definition.. Where would you rather be in a earthquake, California or Haiti... Freedom handles anything, terror only handles what submits.. The root word for Islam is “al-Silm,” which means “submission” or “surrender.” Lynch is submitting to Islam, and she wants to force Americans to submit to it also.. LOL Where the hell did these shits come from...LOL
Friday, December 4, 2015
Do British Muslims have a problem with apostates? (The Big Questions, 15...
"Do British Muslims have a problem with apostates?" What a stupid question.. Of course the ones who follow their religion as good Muslims certainly have a problem with apostates... And once Islam is 25% or< in Britain you will all see first hand just how much British Muslims have a problem with apostates...
Thursday, December 3, 2015
White House: Obama Thinks Gun Control Will Deter Terrorists
The explanation for that is so elementary I'm surprised it's a question... There's no possible way to make it just harder for those with bad intentions... All you do by trying that is make it easer for those with bad intentions to succeed in killing lots of people before a good guy can stop them... We are tired of trying to explain this concept of freedom of self defense... There's half a billion guns in circulation in America, bad guys will get guns no matter what laws you put in place.. And no matter what laws you put in place we will over turn them... Osama bin Laden publicly gave three main reasons why he attacked us in 911.. He said, first is to get you to attack us on our soil, second is to get your government to take your freedoms, third is to ?? I can't remember the third, it will come to me... Those reasons are laid out in the Islamic texts... Those reasons are for the purpose of spreading Islam... It's impossible for Islam to spread if our governments didn't take those actions... Watch these video's, then tell me you want to loose your freedoms of self defense... ISLAMIC INVASION OF SWEDEN HAS LED TO RAPE CRISIS. " 1 in 4 Swedish Women Will Be Raped as Sexual Assaults Increase 500%" They call this 'rape jihad'
Here's what happened to a female reporter Megyn,
"We need more Muslims on American streets to clean up the immorality!!" That sarcastic comment was posted to 10 videos, it posted on the first 4 and censored on the last 6, I guess the shitholes figured out it was sarcasm...
Murray Energy CEO: New climate rules will cost America - FoxTV Business ...
The following comment was censored on video page and G+, so I had to post here: LFTR a thorium molten salt reactor which ran in the 60's for 6,000 hrs flawlessly was created by military for powering jet turbine engines, is inherently modular, safe, self regulating, long lived waste free, uses 97% of fissile material compared .7% of todays reactors, is 1 million times more energy dense then coal, is non weapons prolific, negates the need for a massive wasteful costly fragile high maintenance power grid, it's mined with rare earths, makes high valued metals like tritium at 30,000 per gram, plutonium 4,000 per gram, and others.. LFTR's cheap energy will be the real positive paradigm shift for humanity... It will allow the mass production of carbon nano's.. Best of all, it's not disruptive to the fossil fuel industry, short or long term, like many think.. In the short term the mere knowledge of this technology will destroy the global 'hold out' of coal energy to poor undeveloped powerless nations, and the restriction of coal burning everywhere else.. In the long term carbon nano's will literally pave the future of humanities entire infrastructure. It will replace steel, copper, aluminum, plastic, glass, concrete, pavement, parking lots, buildings, vehicles, bridges, etc, etc.. It's hard for most to believe it will replace even the rocks used in pavement, but trust me it will... The roadways will lay down like Lego's, and come apart for repair like Lego's... We will build space elevators on earth, and mars eventually.. But I digress, in the short term, the fact that LFTR is coming will convince legislator's to let coal be freely burned for energy on a scale like china is doing but world wide to facilitate the growth of technology which will take fossils from co2 spewers to solid carbon material, and clean hydrogen fuel cells, sense hydrogen is the byproduct left after harnessing the carbon... In short, LFTR will not disrupt any current energy industries other than the stupid ones, like solid fuel nuclear, solar, wind, and completely laughably unbelievably stupid biofuel... Solar will die a slower death, even after solar reaches 90+% efficiency it will be orders of magnitude less viable compared to LFTR... Carbon age material science advances will take mankind from LFTR to helium 3 fusion in 2 or 3 hundred years, but even then fossils will be used to make carbon material... So don't pull all your investment from coal, more importantly put investment into Flibe Energy's LFTR project, and other MSR projects world wide... First and foremost invest in LFTR information campaigns, easy word animation video's and such... Informing the masses is the only thing holding this future back....
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Digital Currency CEO: Definition of a bank is going to change
''Bitcoin..., the wonderful fruits of the information age.. I really wish you guys would stop calling it currency.. Currency has State, and legal connotation... Bitcoin is really true money in the same sense gold is true money... It's gold without the matter.. You can send Bitcoin to mars and know for absolute certainty it will get to the recipient without fee, you can't even send gold next door without an armed guard.. I like to call Bitcoin, and others like it Cryptographic Asset Securely Hashed, or CASH for short... By definition Bitcoin is money not currency.... I guess you can say all money can be currency but not all currency can be money.... And I nor you would want Bitcoin, or Gold to become a State currency.... Bitcoin is the new gold, Litecoin is the new silver, Syscoin is the new copper.. If you would have invested 20 bucks in Bitcoin when it was Syscoins price your investment would be worth 6 million dollars today... The point being is, these coins are a no brainer investment, because you've got nothing to loose, 20, 200, 2000, so you loose it all, it's pocket change... People spend 5000 a year on the lottery.. The fact is most of the stable POW (prof of work) mined (hashed) coins are steadily getting higher averages over time.. For the folks who always ask if Bitcoin can be hacked, ''NO it can not be hacked, because it's being hashed by millions of computers... It's simply not possible to hack the ledger of that amount of redundancy, but fiat bank accounts get hacked all the time... Bitcoin, or any decent POW digital assets hashing network increases its security as the price increases, because more computing power go's to work hashing as the price increases, also it becomes harder to get pay off for mining (hashing the network) as more computing horse power comes on-line.. The later factor tends to favor only the most successful CASH projects, that my friends is why Bitcoin is not going to die any time soon if at all.. It's a certainty other 'C.A.S.H.' projects will also succeed, but at some point the market will narrow drastically from the 500 or so coins today. The banking industry may hate Bitcoins threat to their future, but even they don't trust any other block-chain to float assets over but the most valuable one, which is Bitcoin... So you could say, banks are screwed.. They have no way out of this conundrum of wanting the block-chain technology without the asset that makes the technology so rock solidly redundant.. They can want that all they want, but its not possible to dislodge the most valuable project, because no ones going to hash a project without payoffs, and as long as computing power allows some to prophet from hashing the network it will continue to gain strength, that's just human nature, and there will be no let up in Moore's law...
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Planned Parenthood Attack An Act Of 'Christian Terrorism'?
People of any faith can do anything, but only one religion has terrorism in its text, thats ISLAM, there's no such thing as Biblical terror, but there is hundreds of text entry examples in the quran/hadith/sharia of terror acts on other humans, 'IT'S IN THE TEXT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LITERALLY HUNDREDS!!!!!!!!! Why is that so hard for idiots to understand... '''We're not talking about humans, we're talking about a '''WRITTEN ideology.. ''''IT'S NOT DEBATABLE MORONS, IT WAS WRITTEN DOWN ON PAPER WELL OVER ONE THOUSAND YEARS AGO ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Get the picture, fuck heads!?!?!!?!??!?!?!!?!?!?!!?!?????? '''Jesus Christ..., Allen is a fucking tard of mass proportions....LOL
Gen. Scales: NATO Must Deploy U.S. Forces To Eastern Europe
'''Obama, Russia is fighting ISIS, which the west created, trained, and funded, you hog wash specialist... ''''God.., I'm sick of the hog wash coming from America's leaders these days...
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