Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Bill proposed to fight terror online

We don't need any further Bills, laws, regs, etc!! we need to remove the ones we have!! "'Look folks, Islam is at war with all non Muslims on planet earth.. That's not the real serious threat though..  They have always been at war with non Muslims, and their selfs.. They're pathetic in the face of freedom, because they've been so controlled by theocratic governance for so long..  They're absolutely nothing without the west spreading them through bombing, and then aiding (militarizing, training, arming, supporting), and then literally funding their migration (Islamic invasion). LOL It's a fucking sick joke, you idiots need to wake up too, before it's too late!!!! The real serious threat to freedom, is the western Oligarchy in control of this planets governments has decided to spread the problem of Islam, and it '''IS''' a big problem once it gets entrenched, to further their goals of a one world governing body.. They already possess all the tools and then some to catch any Muslim terror communications, this very comment will be censored for gods sake!!!! They are purposely NOT censoring any Islamic terror communication.. Even if they started to censor Islamic terror communication, that alone would have little effect on the Islamification of the world in the long run.. The only chance we have, is turning America's freedom clock back 150 years. We have to kill the beast in control of this worlds governments by shoving a new energy / material paradigm down its throat.. [Thoriums LFTR, and fossils as carbon nano's, and hydrogen fuel cells. ] The bracketed sentence will destroy the Beast, status quo monster, NWO, globalist Oligarchy, British Royal cult, whatever fucking name you want to call your leader, slave master, money master, wealth dictator, resource controller.. Its the fucking tippy top dog, and the spiritual forces through sorcery that it has over humanity.. These so called powerful forces are on the defense, because technology is advancing at break neck pace, and they have to stop and get control of it, '''OR DIE!!!! They know that!!  The rest of you are clueless that you all have the upper hand.. If you shove the right spear in the right spot this beast is dead!!  For gods sake, shove LFTR from companies like FLIBE ENERGY, and others, down the throat of this fucking beast before it kills freedom completely... '''''YOUR TIME IS RUNNING OUT FAST!!!!!!!!  IMPEACH O'BOMBER ON THE BOWE BERGDAHL SWAP BEFORE HE BECOMES DICTATOR-IN-CHIEF!!!!!!!!!  Surely you've all read the FEMA emergency powers provisions..  It's not worth the risk, plus if you start striking back you'll force your enemy to strike before its ready, thus increasing its chances of failure immensely.. Trust me, the Bergdahl swap is a slam dunk..  He did not get legal approval from congress, end of story!!

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