Friday, February 26, 2016

Revolution | Marco Rubio for President


We need a revolution much bigger then the Reagan to kill the Beast!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why Evangelicals Are Born Again for Donald Trump | Dana

Will Power18 minutes ago (edited)
"revenge", Jesus Christ you guys are completely dead headed.. Look morons, we will not be a country if we can't turn things around. Saying we want revenge is like saying after pearl harbor we just wanted revenge on Japan?? ''No., we had to defeat Japan or be defeated. This is such elementary stuff it's embarrassing we have to discus it.. Trumps the only man saying what needs to be done to turn this country in the right direction, if you don't believe he's genuine that's one thing, but he is the only man saying correct policies, he also looks to be the only man in American history who can actually achieve it.. Ted Cruz never talked about a wall publicly that I ever heard, now he's just taking that because Trump's success with it... You guys are showing the true deprived state of Christianity.. Lets face the facts, if all those who declare themselves Christians actually lived the faith, America would be heaven on earth.. You so called Christens meaning Dana and the other gal on this clip, are actually placing a moral judgment on Trumps supporters.. Placing Moral judgment is blaspheming more the my words at the start of this comment?? ''Again., your pathetic arguments against Trump is very disingenuous at a time the world is entering into the age of truth, among other ages, it's just not going to work anymore!!!! What did you think the term awakening the sleeping giant meant?? It means when those who can discern truth, reality, intelligence, ""CORRECTLY!!, get exited by what they hear.. Whoever's wrong will loose in these epic struggles for human freedom. There's no better guy then Trump running, not even close..

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Andy Puzder: I’d support Trump if he were the nominee

Let me explain what we, the supporters of Trump, mean by the word establishment. First; it has no party, second; it has no public appearance, third; many past presidents warned, and spoke about it, fourth; many many books from authors all over the world have written about it, fifth; religious literature of all major religions talk about it, sixth; it controls the Republican party, and the Democratic party, seventh; the vast majority of reps in DC who are a part of this “establishment” haven't the slightest clue they are a part of this establishment, I could go on and on, but I digress..

If you would like to hear past presidents of both parties speak on this look at their memoirs, starting with JFK.  He was famous for speaking out about the secret societies which control the establishment of Washington DC.  Get the picture yet? didn't think so!!

To simplify for you college "educated" morons! It's the force that has been taking America towards the anti freedom mess it's in today!! ''Now, I still don't expect you "educated" morons to have clue what I'm talking about, but I assure you, Trumps supporters understand crystal clear what I'm talking about!!  I also assure you Trump supporters are still growing exponentially as his massage becomes completely understood by the masses.. 

Turkey Seeks to Become New Ottoman Empire with sultan Erdogan


America is helping this happen in a big way.. This is a big problem for FREEDOM!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

BREAKING: Arabs Now Have Nukes.


The engine of human civilization is running to fast for the controllers,
so they're simply screwing in the governor to insure they can keep
their control. The easy way to stop them is, destroy their ability to
slow the engine, by forcing LFTR an energy/material paradigm shift down
their throat..

Friday, February 19, 2016

Reality Check: What Trump's Love For Eminent Domain Tells You About His ...

Trump does not have a love for eminent domain!!  That's the most ridiculous lie about him yet, or right up there.  ''Look., no developer, or entity who has to deal with "eminent domain", or its different forms world wide, even likes it mush less loves it.. I'm sure Trump like everyone else, hates it, but there's no way around it!!!!!!!  With such massive fraud in government, and people are afraid of a real estate developer going to DC, it blows my mind!!

Some form of "eminent domain" laws have to be in place for an advanced civilization to develop. If not, can someone explain to me what we'd do without it?? Every large developer has to deal with it.. The Bush family has used it. This is an absolutely retarded argument.. Please tell me what we'd do without some form of "eminent domain"??? We'd look like India without it..

All we need is true Ayn Rand type freedom, and America wouldn't even have a massive connected, fragile, (retarded) power grid, which could have never been built without "eminent domain", or something like it!! We could have had a much more modular, diverse, redundant, very low vulnerability, multi power grid system if we had used the GALT chemical reactor technology developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory from the mid 40's to the mid 70's before it was completely shut down. Yes, even John F Kennedy wanted to see GALT developed, and implemented. What a different world we'd have today!!!  GALT is now known as LFTR

Freedom is all humanity needs, but even with the best freedom man could ask for, something like "eminent domain" would have to be in place for us to develop in a commonsense fashion, PERIOD!!  Hate to brake such reality to the famous reality check guy, but I'm very very surprised he has such a view????

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

LFTRs in 5 minutes - Thorium Reactors

LFTRs in 5 minutes - Thorium Reactors  please like the video, and sign the LFTR petition..  This is the spear that will kill the current Beast over humanity..  It's very hard for the little guy to see long term trajectories, but that is how you're being killed, (kept down, subdued, enslaved, etc)..  It's high time you learn your enemy and how to easily kill it!!!!  Even your Bibles say "For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light", that is the way of the universe we are in..  It doesn't have to be hard..  You're dying from nothing, but lack of knowledge..

The small group running world empire knows full well about this technology, and has clearly covered it up..  With research, you'll see the blatant measures it has taken to hide this from public knowledge. 'Public knowledge' is the only power big enough to over take the power afforded them by their multi trillion dollar net worth..  They've taken great measures to keep this knowledge from household awareness, from it's inception in the 1940's right up to the present day.. A group that controls hundreds of trillions (yes with a T) of dollars in assets, the wealthy can not go against their will, or they will not be wealthy for long, '''ONLY!!!! the masses can successfully do anything about this issue..  If the masses get informed on this, the wealthy will get behind them, but it will not happen the other way around!!  Ayn Rand knew about this technology, she followed it very close, as she was very intellectually astute in nuclear energy technologies, and very very exited about this particular technology, which back then was called the GALT chemical reactor. It is now known as LFTR..

Did you know JFK openly endorsed the GALT chemical reactor!  I'm fairly sure Donald John Trump hasn't even heard of any of this..  If he should find out, he may as well go balls out on this, and promote the hell out of it, what do ya say???  If I had to guess the only man running with balls enough would be Dr Ben Carson, he fears God, but not much else!!!  I'm fairly sure he knows nothing about this either??  If Ben took off with this, Trump possibly would too?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Rich Lowry, Andrea Tantaros discuss Trump's Iowa loss to Cruz.

Rich Lowry, has no clue!! Iowa was clearly Cruz's to loose, because of
his mass effort there, and because his so called "Christianity", he got
the famous Iowa evangelical vote.. Cruz had to fraudulently take votes
from Carson to win, which would have gave it to Trump, plus Trump
missing the debate helped Rubio tremendously.. Trump won stealthily,
which will arouse support in N.H., because everyone else will not see it
like this therefore come out of the woodwork to make sure Trump doesn't
loose again. Cruz is a one state wonder guaranteed. The race now is
between Rubio and Trump. That's good, and bad news, but I'm fairly sure
Trump will win handily, only to be likely stopped by a tragedy, then
Rubio gets picked as runner up, and will barely loose to Hillary in the
general. This likely scenario has to be foiled, and definitely can be.
Meaning Trumps flight plans have to be kept evasive, and other measures
must be taken!! '''WE ARE IN A WAR FOR FREEDOM, '''AMERICA!!, WAKE THE

Monday, February 1, 2016

Ross: Socialism vs. fascism vs. Hillary Clinton

How is Donald J Trump an extreme right wing intolerant authoritarian??  Because he wants to have borders, and enforce immigration laws?  Because he wants to expose a so called religion that in its 1400 year old text itself says in over a hundred passages    it's at war with all non believers of Islam, not to mention has a 1400 year recorded track record of slaughtering non believers., and Trump just wants to pause the admission of those who worship in this religion until we can assess what the hell is going on??  Or is it because Trump wants to bring back American manufacturing, and stop the dependence on a truly fascist state like China for all our manufactured goods?? Hillary is a left wing intolerant authoritarian who would bring communism to America faster then anyone, including Bernie sanders.  Of course Hillary believes in market forces, anyone with half a brain does, but Hillary plans to use market forces to destroy freedom and bring down America while Trump plans to use market forces to bring free America back to greatness. How is that fascism??  Also it's impossible for an Authoritarian to be pro arming its populace, which Donald is in full support of.  This kid just simply doesn't have the slightest clue what he's talking about, which is very typical of lefties.