LFTRs in 5 minutes - Thorium Reactors https://www.youtube.com/watch?
The small group running world empire knows full well about this technology, and has clearly covered it up.. With research, you'll see the blatant measures it has taken to hide this from public knowledge. 'Public knowledge' is the only power big enough to over take the power afforded them by their multi trillion dollar net worth.. They've taken great measures to keep this knowledge from household awareness, from it's inception in the 1940's right up to the present day.. A group that controls hundreds of trillions (yes with a T) of dollars in assets, the wealthy can not go against their will, or they will not be wealthy for long, '''ONLY!!!! the masses can successfully do anything about this issue.. If the masses get informed on this, the wealthy will get behind them, but it will not happen the other way around!! Ayn Rand knew about this technology, she followed it very close, as she was very intellectually astute in nuclear energy technologies, and very very exited about this particular technology, which back then was called the GALT chemical reactor. It is now known as LFTR..
Did you know JFK openly endorsed the GALT chemical reactor! I'm fairly sure Donald John Trump hasn't even heard of any of this.. If he should find out, he may as well go balls out on this, and promote the hell out of it, what do ya say??? If I had to guess the only man running with balls enough would be Dr Ben Carson, he fears God, but not much else!!! I'm fairly sure he knows nothing about this either?? If Ben took off with this, Trump possibly would too?
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