Saturday, December 3, 2016

Ohio Students Can't Say "Terrorism"

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hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Oh My.... The mind control is thick at College... LOL Heavy heavy duty mind warp... Thank's for this video, I wouldn't have believed it without seeing it for myself... These kids will eventually learn what using a terror event as a spiritual weapon of war (conquest) is all about. Also that it's been written hundreds of ways throughout the teachings of the political ideology called Islam, and those black and white writings have been there for 14 hundred years. The very word Islam means submission, and submission is associated with force. If college kids are being deceived (kept from reality) all the education in the world isn't worth that exposer to mind control. The good news is they'll all eventually learn. The bad news is, it will likely be the hard way for most of them, and take half their life time. The way they're' acting is welcoming with open arms, more terror... Freedom is the only possible way to neutralize terror, no matter where the terror comes from.

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