Thursday, January 7, 2016



Please folks, understand this takeover is global, and has been schemed for over 100 years.. You're all slaves to one degree or another, '''for gods sake you're called human resource!! All Monterey loans by China, and other countries are based on our human resource..

'''Look, it's a big enemy we're up against, we must attack it in a big way, which by the way is the easiest way to attack it.. Even your Christian bibles say, "For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light."..  It also says "you die from lack of knowledge"! The easy way to attack this in a big way is to advance energy, and thus material science.. That Energy science has already been done 6000 hrs flawlessly successful in the late 60's.. It was called LFTR a thorium / U233 MSR ..

LFTR is the next step in human energy advancement, and now is the time to take that step.. Like all advanced civilizations, you can't stay in one place of development! Whether you like it or not, you will ether head back to the stone age, or forward to the 'carbon age'!!!

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