Thursday, January 7, 2016

Rep. Walden on the Oregon standoff


Give me a break, Walden couldn't wipe his own ass without permission, much less help the Hammond's.. """look this bully globalist agenda is destroying freedom of food throughout the world, and has been destroying American family ranchers and farmers for over half a century... It's time to fry these commie treasonous pieces of trash.. They talk all this hog wash, what the media needs to do is expose the truth of the systematic land grab and destruction of good healthy food producers and replacing them with poison producers..

Let me see, we're letting terrorist in the country, trading known hardcore terrorist for Bergdahl the traitor, and locking up the best Americans we have, and calling them terrorist....LOL  Unfucking believable what the stupid coward Americans will put up with...LOL

Lets rase the money to go after this problem once and for all, and truly expose the feds in their land grab ambitions.. You can't stop a bully with hope, only force.. Lets start by using serious legal force, that means money, lots of money.. That's much much easer then blood.. We have to help these food producers, because by themselves, all they have left is the blood rout!!!

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