Friday, February 19, 2016

Reality Check: What Trump's Love For Eminent Domain Tells You About His ...

Trump does not have a love for eminent domain!!  That's the most ridiculous lie about him yet, or right up there.  ''Look., no developer, or entity who has to deal with "eminent domain", or its different forms world wide, even likes it mush less loves it.. I'm sure Trump like everyone else, hates it, but there's no way around it!!!!!!!  With such massive fraud in government, and people are afraid of a real estate developer going to DC, it blows my mind!!

Some form of "eminent domain" laws have to be in place for an advanced civilization to develop. If not, can someone explain to me what we'd do without it?? Every large developer has to deal with it.. The Bush family has used it. This is an absolutely retarded argument.. Please tell me what we'd do without some form of "eminent domain"??? We'd look like India without it..

All we need is true Ayn Rand type freedom, and America wouldn't even have a massive connected, fragile, (retarded) power grid, which could have never been built without "eminent domain", or something like it!! We could have had a much more modular, diverse, redundant, very low vulnerability, multi power grid system if we had used the GALT chemical reactor technology developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory from the mid 40's to the mid 70's before it was completely shut down. Yes, even John F Kennedy wanted to see GALT developed, and implemented. What a different world we'd have today!!!  GALT is now known as LFTR

Freedom is all humanity needs, but even with the best freedom man could ask for, something like "eminent domain" would have to be in place for us to develop in a commonsense fashion, PERIOD!!  Hate to brake such reality to the famous reality check guy, but I'm very very surprised he has such a view????

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