Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A One-Year Mission Retrospective

The below comment was censored on the NASA Youtube page comments..  It's understandable.... The proverbial "GIANT" (masses) is the only force able to easily smash the whip (government) yielding slave master (cabal)...  Real solutions to mans energy, and environmental needs for well over 1/2 century, yet man is utterly clueless at every level.. Simply mind boggling??? Humanity can't be stagnant for long, it will go back if it doesn't soon go forward. You still burn wood for gods sake..

NASA, the biggest technology organization, certainly in terms of money spent, has no clue whatsoever about the GALT chemical reactor technology of the 40', 50's, 60's, and termination in the 1970's, now known as LFTR, can pull CO2 from the atmosphere as it cools itself with sea water, which I assume the brain washed Astronaut is referring to CO2 as terrible pollution, and make carbon nano materials, or 90% cleaner burning synthetic gasoline, and Diesel fuel, which the Navy has been doing for over ten years... In 2013 the Navy made such synthetics with sea water for 1/3 the cost of ground based fossils. Why don't you hear about any of these facts, and instead only nonsense from well connected mind controlled drones? Because you're all afraid of standing up to the BULLY. Government is an apparatus of control, like a slave master yielding a whip. Those who hold this whip in their control are not about to free humanity with great technologies like LFTR.  The masses must rise up, take LFTR and shove it down their throats, so we can actually fix bad environmental damage humans have caused, which is not CO2. The truth will free you, you'll die from lack of truth (knowledge). CO2 emissions is actually very good for our environment, spraying the atmosphere on purpose with metal oxide particulates is not at all good for the environment, or the ozone. It's high time to stand, and fight with words of truth!!! You can plainly see what we (freedom) is up against, by this mans damaging vague comments on atmospheric pollution he's hinting about. I'd love to debate this man on atmospheric pollution, to get his truthful opinion, but they don't dare debate with truth.....  A quick 5 minute LFTR presentation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK367T7h6ZY
Also the globalist are giving LFTR a USA invention to China, to financially lock it up!!
Its hard to get any info on GALT, its been wiped from history pretty good.  Watch this guys stuff before he dies mysteriously in a car accident, I'm just saying I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he gets stopped before he gets his book out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJKU1Np7-Lc&list=PLxo0n5e-gIxG4MLKEmodlGmS2RVo9FclC&index=4

Trump Doubles Down On 'Islam Hates Us'; 'I Don't Want To Be So Political...

The religion of Islam is radical, read it.. The word Islam itself is radical, it means submit, that's radical. If you're forced to submit that's radical too. Written facts are not debatable, its written down, as all major religions are.. Don't give me this interpretation non sense, well over one hundred commands of violence, not to mention sharia law, or how to treat slaves etc. It's nothing like any other major religion, because it's not just a religion, it's national governance, and military. The words on the pages for 14 hundred years are radical.. Get that through your thick skulls before they get chopped off! '''ISLAM AS WRITTEN IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH WESTERN NATIONS!!!!!!!! We will have to change for them, or put up with constant terror attacks increasing with Islamic population. Facts, reality, knowledge, intelligence, are key to survival of your way of life. YOU WILL DIE FROM LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!!! Quit worrying about what people think about you, when you speak the truth.. PC is a facade for mind control, trash it now.. All we really need is lots and lots of freedom, and we will in time succeed at changing Islam, and saving all of its generation of forced followers, and victims. Humanity loves freedom and Muslims are no exception. Like it or not, mankind has been given this challenge, make the correct choices, and freedom will prevail in time. What doesn't kill freedom will make it stronger. Humanity will need some strong freedom to reach the stars. That's another way of saying, its all about development. Your real enemy is not some putrid human religion, it's the wretched controlled governments that are controlling the mind numbed populace, in many ways including with Religion. Religion is the major control grid, government is using on you, but it's a double edged sword for them, if enough of you figure that out. The bottom line is follow your religions correctly, or get the hell out of them, because Christians and their leaders are unknowingly siding with the BEAST more then not. DO NOT FEAR EVIL, PERIOD!!!!!!!! Your all a part of the BEAST to some degree, all 7.5 billion of you. Don't fear, and take a milli-step in a direction you '''''KNOW'''' is right, keep doing that, and don't beat your self when you stumble. Forgive yourself, just as you forgive others, and eventually if enough of you do this, the BEAST will starve. It survives on suffering. FREEDOM is essential for successful long term existence of humanity..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7TAAw3oQvg   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnOF7y-KuHE

Its not flesh & blood body of the Muslim we (freedom) is at odds with, it's the written word of Islam. Bombing Muslim neighborhoods trying to kill known jihad militants is exponentially increasing the problem.  Osama Bin Laden said on camera as a direct message to the west, paraphrasing, we attacked you on 911 so you would attack us to grow jihad. He listed three reasons, I will look it up later.  There is a way for freedom to extinguish the raging fires of heavily armed, by the west, militant jihad, but it will not be decided by governments that are not controlled by their people (freedom).  You have to send in highly skilled mercenaries (the best skilled humanity has to offer which only freedom can deliver) to painstakingly kill, or force them to surrender until the fires are mopped up.  There will have to be mop up crews till the 'end of time' to keep this mess under control. But it must be private mercenaries not kid soldiers, of our precious sons and daughters, because that's exactly what the religion of Islam wants according to its written word. And again, very important that you understand, its not the flesh and blood Muslim human body you're at war with, it literally is a written Religion that is carrying out its prescribed works to progress and defend itself.  Freedom can only win this by using freedom, which means the best FREE humanity has to offer.

To beat jihad we have to make radical changes in our way of thinking.  Our nation must put on oil tariffs that are in line with our oil companies needs to deliver our own oil, $50 to $60 a barrel. Then we must burn coal, and build LFTR from Flibe Energy ASAP. We must develop carbon nano material technology ASAP, LFTR depends on it to work properly. Coal oil and gas are needed for carbon materials, plus hydrogen fuel cells and rocket fuel.  So fossil fuel companies are not at risk from LFTR. It's in fact the exact opposite. Fossil hydrocarbons have only scratched the service of mans needs of them. They are way more valuable as material then as energy.  The volume demand for hydrocarbons will be far greater then as fuel, trust me.  It is a complete lie that we need Islamic countries to defeat “radical Islam”..  We need to completely disassociate our trade, and support of all Islamic nations, and send freedom derived mercenariness to physically mop up, and disarm the jihad militants we've created.  And not worry about what any other nation does in trade with them, in other words sanctions on Islamic nations is cruel and unusual punishment on the people of those nations.  Its only America that needs to separate its trade of these nations for such time as all physical hostilities are ended.  We need to still work with these nations in so much as defense against jihad groups, but we don't need to bring them in, there will be plenty of volunteers from those nations who are currently fighting the jihad militants now, that will gladly help our efforts to extinguish hostilities. Let go and let freedom is the guiding principal in this struggle.  The hardest thing will be forcing governments apparatus, which currently is completely out of freedoms control, to go with freedoms flow. Our nation at every level needs to unite in this effort to realize our interest is the survival of freedom for all of humanity, but only our nation actions are we responsible for, and if we take the right actions we have the power to make this happen, we really do still possess enough power to pull this off.  Its not as crazy or out of the current established system as it seems, and I cant write a text book in this little comment, but trust me my words here are not something that our pentagon will not understand.  Think of it as a huge battle ship that we need to steer back on the correct course, it is doable.  We are all one people on this planet, we love our neighbors, but we must look at our own nations actions to turn this freedom ship, because we are its captain, and as humans we all want freedom.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Cruz Supporter Knocks Melania Trump: She's 'Posed Nude,' Is 'Foreign-Born'

I sent this message to Ben Carson's new ?  http://www.myfaithvotes.com/

If Christians were truly Christians as their religion reads, they would not fear evil, and would not be overwhelmingly siding with evil.  The Christian Religion commands you to fear god, not evil.  The BEAST (for FYI BEAST is the best word in the English language for me to describe what's enslaving humanity, it just so happens to be a biblical terminology also) is in near complete control of you so called Christians, because you fear it, not god..  There's all kinds of suffering, in large part because of so called Christians cowering down to evil..  You die from lack of knowledge!!  The truth shale set you free!!  The truth shale free you is not just a biblical term, it's the way of the universe..  The more you know, the more freedom you have at your disposal.  A ZOO monkey may feel free.  Freedom is noticed by intelligence. Intelligence is another word for understanding, reality, truth, etc..  I'm not trying to trash any religion, I'm merely saying pull your heads out of your asses, and do what the Religion you profess to follow says to do..  Strive to learn reality, and stop fearing evil, by advancing, you will free up your time so you can learn more. Your Bible doesn't say to stay in the dark ages, it also doesn't say to stay in the industrial/steel/fossil fuel age forever ether..  Now., wouldn't a new energy/material paradigm stop world wide poverty, pollution, famine, suffering of all sorts, while empowering humanity to learn truth, reality, etc..  Well., that energy paradigm has been staring you in the face sense the 1960's..  Your fear of EVIL is the only reason the BEAST is preventing humanity from having what is right before your blind eyes..

By the way this new paradigm doesn't stop the need for fossil hydrocarbons, it merely softly migrates the use of coal, oil, and gas, from fuel to carbon for man made materials, and hydrogen for rockets, and electric solid carbon fuel cells..   You'll be building space elevators, mining the moon, mars, and asteroids for starters..  You will be able to see the dangers of large space rocks, and be able to attach guidance rockets to send them into the sun..  You will loose the ability to lie to one another, and enter the age of truth, the age of carbon based materials that way out perform, the age of very very very inexpensive electricity.  First with MSR's like LFTR, then helium3 from the moon, then the ability to control anti matter. Cheap energy, and material science work hand and hand, so don't buy into the prospects of mining the moon for hilium3, and bypassing Molten Salt Reactors, like LFTR..  If you really think China can mine the moon without carbon age technology I've got some Andromeda space dust to sell you..  It will never happen..  You're 60 years behind, because you fear your captors.   You could be burning thorium at 97% efficiency, compared to uranium at only .05% efficiency, with horrible waste issues to boot, not to mention the utter disaster you'd have if the sun happens to blast the northern hemisphere.. Come on, wake up, you're very unnecessarily fragile at the moment..  QUIT BEING COWARDS!!!
Trumps bravery against evil shows many times more Christian principal then all the so called "Christians" bashing him combined. Trump is fearlessly standing for nationalistic policies which is against the NWO's deceiving evil agenda of destroying national sovereignty, I cant say that for Ted Cruz's track record : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXcYCwaBKnQ  Just maybe Trump will promote the chemical reactor like JFK did?   "Nothing to fear but fear itself"  Who will take on this energy issue, the "Christians" leaders are obviously to scared to do anything, much less this battle..  No Christian leader on earth is taking on big evil as bravely as Trump. Just how brave is Trump??  The time for LFTR, and other nuke waste cleanup MSR's is now..  The sleeping giant will back Trump, in the 60's no one knew about the GALT chemical reactor, much less back JFK on it..  This time will be different.  It's very messy and risky for evil powers to kill a well backed leader, because it can just as easily backfire on them, and backfire sure seams to be the trend..

Advancing energy/material technology to such a degree will vastly increase human freedom, it's like a short circuit quantum leap forward.  Coal vastly increased mans freedoms, and freed his time to learn, this is orders of magnitude better then coal energy, not to mention allows us to use coal for what it was really meant for.

Friday, March 4, 2016

The Trump Doomsday Scenario

We are all a part of our own enemy (the enemy of freedom), as such we would be smart to circumvent our enemies power structure, which we are forced participants of, by entering a new energy/material paradigm, thus starving the BEAST. That's the whole strategy in as few words as possible, any questions? The BEAST feeds on suffering, the new paradigm stops suffering by over 90% in the long run..

LFTR, and the thorium scandal + energy intense man made carbon nano material future potential..  LFTR is the old GALT chemical reactor technology developed from mid 40's to mid 70's, this needs to be resurrected, so we can afford to mass produce carbon based future materials which way outperform anything man has ever dreamed of..  This energy / material paradigm shift is the easy way to kill the current BEAST enslaving humanity..

JFK wanted GALT to be humanities power source, but the BEAST stopped it..  Trump needs to bring this back to the table ASAP..   This will allow us to go to blows with the BEAST as it comes forth (reveals itself at the upper levels) to stop the new paradigm..  If we continue to sit back in fear we (freedom) will be destroyed..

No matter how stupid this all may sound, it is the reality..  But as devils advocate, lets say its all nonsense..  The energy/material technologies are real, and need to be implemented to empower humanity..  With dirt cheap energy there will be no more pollution, no clean water shortage, no more poverty as we know it.  Whoever will resist this, is exposing themselves as the enemy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

'River Of Trash' Chokes This Suburb

Build clean incinerators, and turn it into carbon, and electricity. You can burn this as clean as coal is burned in the US.. You don't technically burn it, you heat it without oxygen, and still the liquid fuels that come from it, which are used to continue the process.. If you can make electricity with trash just as clean as burning coal, then why the hell would you do anything else with it?? And, I not only mean plastic, I mean especially plastic!!!!! ''''EVERYTHING!!!!! but metal and food waste, although soft metals can be gathered melting from the ovens of this process.. All food waste is 110% recyclable as soil food.. There's no such thing as wasting food in 'intelligent life' civilizations, whats that say for humans???? It's sooooooo hard to be patient, and nice with so much god damn ignorance.. Government is the big RETARD in the room, get the picture?????  Trash is a resource when your intelligent!!  Quit fearing the beast, and kill the god damn retarded thing!  LFTR & man made carbon based material which replaces everything, because it orders of magnitude out performs, steel, aluminum, copper, reinforced concrete, asphalt, rubber, silicon, wood, plastic, glass, you name it..  The carbon age is made out of Coal, oil, & gas..  Coal was great for mankind as energy, but it's down right magical as carbon based materials..  The only thing holding man back is fear..  MSR'S like LFTR & coal = energy/material paradigm shift, witch ''''WILL!!  kill the beast..

Elizabeth Warren Exposed Hillary Clinton as Huge Phony Years Ago

Freedom doesn't pay enough, it's way way way out spent.. Only someone on the take can survive in DC.. If freedom wants representation, they have to force feed a giant pay increase on DC officials.. So that when "angels" do end up there, they can survive.. Bare minimum 10 X pay increase is needed.. It wouldn't mean no crooks would be attracted anymore, it simply means intelligent high integrity candidates would be. And eventually the DC landscape would be majority "angels" rather then "devils".. I've seen lots of people go to DC over the years who could not be bought, but they did not survive in that environment, or failed to get anything done. Frankly I always figured they were "suicidal", plain ignorant, or at best very naive to think they could make it there. Think about it, the most powerful people on earth, dealing with billions & billions of $$$, and we pay freshmen congressmen what a high school principal gets, which shouldn't even be a government job in the first place.. For the masses (freedom) to think it's going to ever get represented in that environment is complete utter ignorance..

Freedom is only in the eye of the beholder.. A Zoo monkey may feel very free.. Perhaps humanity as a whole is simply not intelligent enough to see that it is very much enslaved because only a minority notices??? Or am I just getting frustrated with the lack of over all human progress? It's time to advance to a new energy/material paradigm!!!