Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Cruz Supporter Knocks Melania Trump: She's 'Posed Nude,' Is 'Foreign-Born'

I sent this message to Ben Carson's new ?

If Christians were truly Christians as their religion reads, they would not fear evil, and would not be overwhelmingly siding with evil.  The Christian Religion commands you to fear god, not evil.  The BEAST (for FYI BEAST is the best word in the English language for me to describe what's enslaving humanity, it just so happens to be a biblical terminology also) is in near complete control of you so called Christians, because you fear it, not god..  There's all kinds of suffering, in large part because of so called Christians cowering down to evil..  You die from lack of knowledge!!  The truth shale set you free!!  The truth shale free you is not just a biblical term, it's the way of the universe..  The more you know, the more freedom you have at your disposal.  A ZOO monkey may feel free.  Freedom is noticed by intelligence. Intelligence is another word for understanding, reality, truth, etc..  I'm not trying to trash any religion, I'm merely saying pull your heads out of your asses, and do what the Religion you profess to follow says to do..  Strive to learn reality, and stop fearing evil, by advancing, you will free up your time so you can learn more. Your Bible doesn't say to stay in the dark ages, it also doesn't say to stay in the industrial/steel/fossil fuel age forever ether..  Now., wouldn't a new energy/material paradigm stop world wide poverty, pollution, famine, suffering of all sorts, while empowering humanity to learn truth, reality, etc..  Well., that energy paradigm has been staring you in the face sense the 1960's..  Your fear of EVIL is the only reason the BEAST is preventing humanity from having what is right before your blind eyes..

By the way this new paradigm doesn't stop the need for fossil hydrocarbons, it merely softly migrates the use of coal, oil, and gas, from fuel to carbon for man made materials, and hydrogen for rockets, and electric solid carbon fuel cells..   You'll be building space elevators, mining the moon, mars, and asteroids for starters..  You will be able to see the dangers of large space rocks, and be able to attach guidance rockets to send them into the sun..  You will loose the ability to lie to one another, and enter the age of truth, the age of carbon based materials that way out perform, the age of very very very inexpensive electricity.  First with MSR's like LFTR, then helium3 from the moon, then the ability to control anti matter. Cheap energy, and material science work hand and hand, so don't buy into the prospects of mining the moon for hilium3, and bypassing Molten Salt Reactors, like LFTR..  If you really think China can mine the moon without carbon age technology I've got some Andromeda space dust to sell you..  It will never happen..  You're 60 years behind, because you fear your captors.   You could be burning thorium at 97% efficiency, compared to uranium at only .05% efficiency, with horrible waste issues to boot, not to mention the utter disaster you'd have if the sun happens to blast the northern hemisphere.. Come on, wake up, you're very unnecessarily fragile at the moment..  QUIT BEING COWARDS!!!
Trumps bravery against evil shows many times more Christian principal then all the so called "Christians" bashing him combined. Trump is fearlessly standing for nationalistic policies which is against the NWO's deceiving evil agenda of destroying national sovereignty, I cant say that for Ted Cruz's track record :  Just maybe Trump will promote the chemical reactor like JFK did?   "Nothing to fear but fear itself"  Who will take on this energy issue, the "Christians" leaders are obviously to scared to do anything, much less this battle..  No Christian leader on earth is taking on big evil as bravely as Trump. Just how brave is Trump??  The time for LFTR, and other nuke waste cleanup MSR's is now..  The sleeping giant will back Trump, in the 60's no one knew about the GALT chemical reactor, much less back JFK on it..  This time will be different.  It's very messy and risky for evil powers to kill a well backed leader, because it can just as easily backfire on them, and backfire sure seams to be the trend..

Advancing energy/material technology to such a degree will vastly increase human freedom, it's like a short circuit quantum leap forward.  Coal vastly increased mans freedoms, and freed his time to learn, this is orders of magnitude better then coal energy, not to mention allows us to use coal for what it was really meant for.

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