The below comment was censored on the NASA Youtube page comments.. It's understandable.... The proverbial "GIANT" (masses) is the only force able to easily smash the whip (government) yielding slave master (cabal)... Real solutions to mans energy, and environmental needs for well over 1/2 century, yet man is utterly clueless at every level.. Simply mind boggling??? Humanity can't be stagnant for long, it will go back if it doesn't soon go forward. You still burn wood for gods sake..
NASA, the biggest technology organization, certainly in terms of money spent, has no clue whatsoever about the GALT chemical reactor technology of the 40', 50's, 60's, and termination in the 1970's, now known as LFTR, can pull CO2 from the atmosphere as it cools itself with sea water, which I assume the brain washed Astronaut is referring to CO2 as terrible pollution, and make carbon nano materials, or 90% cleaner burning synthetic gasoline, and Diesel fuel, which the Navy has been doing for over ten years... In 2013 the Navy made such synthetics with sea water for 1/3 the cost of ground based fossils. Why don't you hear about any of these facts, and instead only nonsense from well connected mind controlled drones? Because you're all afraid of standing up to the BULLY. Government is an apparatus of control, like a slave master yielding a whip. Those who hold this whip in their control are not about to free humanity with great technologies like LFTR. The masses must rise up, take LFTR and shove it down their throats, so we can actually fix bad environmental damage humans have caused, which is not CO2. The truth will free you, you'll die from lack of truth (knowledge). CO2 emissions is actually very good for our environment, spraying the atmosphere on purpose with metal oxide particulates is not at all good for the environment, or the ozone. It's high time to stand, and fight with words of truth!!! You can plainly see what we (freedom) is up against, by this mans damaging vague comments on atmospheric pollution he's hinting about. I'd love to debate this man on atmospheric pollution, to get his truthful opinion, but they don't dare debate with truth..... A quick 5 minute LFTR presentation:https://www.
Also the globalist are giving LFTR a USA invention to China, to financially lock it up!!
Its hard to get any info on GALT, its been wiped from history pretty good. Watch this guys stuff before he dies mysteriously in a car accident, I'm just saying I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he gets stopped before he gets his book out.
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