Monday, November 30, 2015

Chris Martenson-Everybody Knows This Economy Is Unsustainable

Chris, this is not a finite planet in terms of energy, humanity hasn't even started to tap the energy potential of this planet, not to mention the moon or rest of the solar system..  Fossils are far more valuable as material rather than energy...  The only trouble humanity faces is control by a few, and severe lack of freedom for all...  We  could and would have had LFTR 60 years ago if not for said control over humanity...  Knowledge of the power of LFTR's extremely low cost energy will destroy the current control structure over humanity..  Why do you think they're franticly trying to drastically increase the cost of energy if energy prophets weren't everything to them, it's their bread and butter..  The fantastic materials low cost energy will make possible is perhaps the real underling threat..  Below is a comment I attempted to post on a youtube video, like 90% of comments with LFTR in them are censored on the internet, any links explaining LFTR are blocked from sharing, but you could share anything on global warming, or climate change nonsense..  I have to post on Google blog just to comment on this subject..  That tells you it's the Achilles heel of the beast...  It's time to strike back, 'knowledge of LFTR' is the spear...

"LFTR baby, LFTR... LFTR will bring man into the carbon age, an age where low cost energy is the reason it's possible.. Because to make these fantastic carbon based materials, extreme amounts of energy is required.. About 2 hundred years into the carbon age man will transition from LFTR fission to helium 3 fusion.. LFTR makes thorium 1 million times more energy dense than coal, that's orders of magnitude better than anything man has created electricity with yet.. LFTR is orders of magnitude cleaner and safer also.. And Helium 3 fusion is truly orders of magnitude better than LFTR.. But, we can't get there without a mature carbon age, and we can't even see the carbon age without LFTR.. I hope you get the picture?? Because this is serious stuff, it's been actively kept from mankind for 70 years now... There's nothing to it but to do it... There's a bully in the way that wants high cost energy instead of low cost energy, much less dirt cheap energy LFTR will provide... It's time to punch back, and get the word out about LFTR.. LFTR will save the American coal industry... Because, if you thought coal was great for energy, its real purpose is for carbon nano materials, same goes for oil, and gas.. The wonderful thing is, fossils also have this fantastic byproduct, after harnessing carbon you're left with hydrogen, which makes for awesome fuel cells, and rocket fuel... And, we're going to need lots of rockets, ''baby, in the first half of the carbon age.." blocked on video and on G+

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