Sunday, November 29, 2015

New form of carbon observed


CARBON, the possibilities are endless, literally folks!!!!!! The only
thing holding us back is dirt cheap energy.. It takes tons of energy to
produce carbon based molecular materials.. As you can see from this
video, making 'synthetic diamond' or extremely hard carbon material
takes lots of energy.. It's the same story for any carbon based
molecular structures.. No worries whatsoever though, because thorium
in LFTR is more than dirt cheap energy.. And orders of magnitude
cleaner and safer than anything man has used thus far... The cheaper
the energy the cleaner the environment, because everything man made
becomes profitable to recycle, provided the energy is perfectly clean
like LFTR is.. If Fukushima were a LFTR it would have harmlessly
solidified.. LFTR is self regulating walk away safe.. It's criminal we
took the LWR road instead of LFTR considering the radical safety
difference alone not to mention the efficiency difference is 3% and 97%
respectively.. That's not all, the cost of thorium is a negative figure
because every thing to do with thorium is highly profitable, from
mining it with rare earths to burning it.. Some LFTR byproducts are
plutonium at 4,000 per gram, and tritium at 30,000 per gram, and

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