"Can Thawing Permafrost Cause Runaway Global Heating"?
In short, no. It will cause problems, but not even close to as bad as being made out, and the cause is 100% "GEO Engineering", NOT man made CO2... "GEO Engineering" acutely destroys ozone, among other things, which heats up the polar regions melting ice, and permafrost releasing huge amounts of methane, which is a greenhouse gas in the extreme, CO2 doesn't even compare. But, its not a problem in the big picture, and will backfire on the 'BEAST', and end up in humanity's favor.. Besides, the permafrost has melted many many many many times before, it will be a net positive to the big picture... Of course, most haven't the slightest idea what "Geo Engineering" is, in short it's mass population reduction.. The people that believe this video's nonsense, also believe that raising the cost of energy will save the current state of the planet... Carbon tax will save the current 'BEAST' over humanity, and accelerate mans dumping grounds.. My agenda is to spare suffering of humans, and all life, by sharply increasing human freedom, by dramatically lowering the cost of energy to usher in the coming carbon age when coal will see it's true value as carbon nano materials.. Humanity can either go forward to the carbon age, or end up in much darker ages which increase the chances of plummeting into a new stone age.. One house size rock can do that.. Approx 100 years into the carbon age, mans technology will have earth near complete protection from space rocks.. In the carbon age man will irrigate directly from the ocean, while getting all agricultural minerals available on earth in perfect proportion. The carbon age affords literally millions of benefits to life, and its environment.. No more trash.. Everything man makes will be 100% recycled, profitably, using 'less then dirt' cheap energy.. Thorium in LFTR a type of LSR, is one million times more energy dense than coal.. Quantum dots, graphene, carbon nano fiber, and many other carbon based molecules made from coal will transform humanity orders of magnitude.. This will also kill the current 'BEAST', which is not even familiar with competition anymore much less heading to the chopping block.. Don't expect it to go without a fight.. If you wish to quit trying to figure out what's going on, and why, while at the same time doing something that hits at the heart of the problem, then research LFTR, and spread the knowledge.. Destroying the master frees the slaves.. '''SAVE THE COAL INDUSTRY ! ! !'''
Spreading the knowledge of LFTR will not only save the coal industry it will bring in much bigger profits, coals real value is material.. As good as coal is for energy it's
orders of magnitude better as carbon based materials in the coming carbon age...
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