Remember, EVIL, like darkness can only scare your lite out. Once you stand and lite it will be exposed, and every thing it does exposed will backfire on it. Evil exposed is destroyed, like darkness is destroyed by lite. Every living thing possesses this lite. All you need to do is take the first Milli step in the direction you '''KNOW''' to be right.
Another censored comment: With the old 40's 50's & 60's G.A.L.T.
technology now known as L.F.T.R. we no longer need uranium for fission
power. LFTR's (liquid fluoride thorium reactors) use thorium. LFTR's
use 97% of the fissile material todays reactors at best have only used
.07% hence the waste issue which LFTR doesn't have.. LFTR is walk away
safe, if it were at Fukushima it would have harmlessly solidified.
Another censored comment:
A carbon tax would be stupid, even if fairly implemented, which we all
know it wouldn't be. But whatever it takes to force the awakening of the
old 1940's, 50's, 60's, & early 70's GALT (Geothermal Atmospheric
Liquefied Thorium) Now known as LFTR (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor)
it's a type of MSR (Molten Salt Reactor) A temperature liquefied,
fluoride salt of thorium, and U233. Its where Ayn Rand got the last
name for her fictitious character John Galt of Atlas Shrugged. This
technology was buried by our slave masters. It's time to unearth it,
and shove it down their throat side ways.
''''WOW...., how many vaccines has Dr Marc Siegel received in his life time?? Perhaps fairly soon he and many others promoting vaccines will not be able to keep such secretes..
The hand held voice lie detector, which is 99% accurate according to agencies like the FBI, CIA, DOD, and many others, has been operational for over ten years. You can purchase this professional grade software for less than $2,000.00.. Some day if man takes the right path, lying will be impossible. Everyone will have a hand held, or attached, super computer capable of easily detecting lying.. It's high time for humanity to advance!! To most it seems we're advancing to fast already, but key technologies that would control the controllers are being suppressed at all costs..
TRANSCRIPT: Hello, you can read the newspapers but this video is about the real
situation in Germany. I would like to tell everyone about this on
Youtube and Facebook. I am almost 16. I would like everyone to know what
is going on, what I am authentically feeling at this moment.
And I am so scared everywhere. For example, if my family and I go
out together, or if I see a movie with my friends. Usually I stay at
home, but sometimes I stay out until 6 pm in winter, and it is so scary.
It is just very hard to live day-to-day life as a woman.
I just want to say that I am not a racist. But one day, a
terrible thing happened at the supermarket. I ran all the way home. I
was so frightened for my life. There’s no other way to describe it.
My aunt and her friend have said you have to grow up. Why should
we, children, have to grow up in such fear? It’s not just me, my friends
too. You can see on Facebook, a 17 year old attacked, a 15 year old
attacked, two 12-year olds attacked, so many. It is really so sad that
this is happening … because of YOU PEOPLE. :(
I cannot understand why they do this. But more importantly, I
cannot understand why Germany is doing nothing! Why is Germany standing
by, watching, and then doing nothing? Please explain, why. Men of
Germany, these people are killing your children, they are killing your
women. We need your protection. We are so scared, we don’t want to be
frightened to go to the grocery store alone after sunset. The
politicians live alone in their villas, drink their cocktails, and do
nothing. They do nothing! I do not know what world they live in, but
please, people, please help us! Please, do something! I cannot
understand why this is happening. One day, my friend and I were walking
down the street, and a group of Arabs were protesting and demonstrating.
They shouted, “Allah! Allah! Allah is the one God! Kill those infidels!
Allah Allah!” What should I do? Should I wear a burka? Why should I
have to convert to Islam?
It’s fine if you believe in Allah, but why do you want to make
everyone else believe in Allah too? I just think it would be better if
there were no religion. Stop trying to make everyone else believe in
your God when they do not want to.
Please, people of Germany. Do something!
When I try to tell the authorities about what has happened, they
hold their hand up towards me and they say it is a problem and then
ignore it. and they laugh. It is unfair. They laugh at us. They say we
are dumb. They think this not only of me, but of the entire state of
Germany. They don’t care about our fear. Please help us. This is an
emergency! There are more and more of them.
One time in summer, the Muslims said we were sluts for walking outside in a t-shirt.
Yes, we were wearing t-shirts. It’s summer!
Another day, I was wearing this. My friend and I purchased it
while shopping hehe. If we feel like wearing it, we will wear it! And
you Muslims have no right to physically assault or rape us for it! God
willing, never in my life. You have no right to attack us because we are
wearing t-shirts. You also have no right to rape.
The life of Germany has changed because these people cannot
integrate. We give them so much help. We support them financially and
they do not have to work. But they only want more babies and more
welfare and more money. Men of Germany, please, patrol the streets and
protect us. Do this for your women and your children. If you do that, I
believe that we will have a chance.
This sort of action would be wonderful. We would be so grateful
and thankful. So many thanks, if steadily, more men would come to
protect us. We are so scared.
I am so upset about what Merkel has done.
Thank you, Angela Merkel, for killing Germany! I have no more
respect for you, Merkel. I do not think you know what you have done. You
do not see how our lives have changed. Open your eyes! Is this normal?
Should I, a 16-year old who is almost 17, be so scared to walk outside
my house? No, it is not normal. You have killed Germany!
This is the truth. We are no longer allowed to walk outside. We
are no longer allowed to wear our clothes. We are no longer allowed to
live the German life. This is the sad truth.
I think it’s about time to end this video. I believe I have given
a full account from a normal person. I hope others can see this and
Of course the below comment was censored, simply incredible how much censorship goes on, LOL..
Who John Galt actually is:
Ayn Rand's Jonh Galt certainly represented all John and Jane Doe's. But
he also was a particular person, because he had a last name, and not
just any last name. GALT was a heroic new energy technology that would
solve all humanities environmental problems. It would obviously take
more than just John Galt by himself. It would take all the John and
Jane Doe's acknowledging John Galt's mission as a very good one, and
making sure he was successful. Government, those who control it that is,
have ZERO interest in "going green"!! All the "going green" policies
actually damage the environment for many reasons, but mostly because
they drastically increase the price of energy. GALT reactor technology
would have been pursued from the 70's on if government was actually
interested in "going green". Galt reactor technology is now known as
LFTR, and the government is still ignoring it!!
Who John Galt actually is:
Ayn Rand's Jonh Galt certainly represented all John and Jane Doe's. But he also was a particular person, because he had a last name, and not just any last name. GALT was a heroic new energy technology that would solve all humanities nasty problems of strife, pain, and suffering as we know it. For example, it would end terror of all kinds even radical Islamic, it would end the abortion problem, pro and con, it would end, lying, steeling, and crime of all kinds, it would end poverty as we know it, it would end our slave masters. Which is why we needed a hero to implement it. Because very powerful, in fact the most powerful human forces on the planet were opposed to GALT coming to reality.. It would obviously take more than just John Galt by himself. It would take all the John and Jane Doe's acknowledging John Galt's mission as a very good one, and making sure he was successful. Freedom and happiness for all depends on it. Fact is the masses are the most powerful human force, but they don't know it because they're not united..
'''THERE WAS REASONS FOR TARIFFS, AND THE #1 REASON IS KEEP JOBS!!!!! How the hell did protection of ones own country become a bad name.. Personally I'm done with the junk from China.. You can't by good stuff anymore, cheap price is not always the best bang for the buck, not to mention the environmental disaster of throwaway junk from 'Chiner'.. China's a sick joke just like their products, and the best way to deal with that joke, inferior products, not to mention environmental disaster, is TARIFFS!! China is a command economy, America is suppose to be free market capitalism, at least that's what made us the only country that gives to everyone but never has taken a dime! Why are we so stupid to through that away, and prop up communist command societies?? This is the very thing Tariffs were invented for!!! Tariffs is the only legal, and proper means to deal with unfair trade! Wake up people, because your slave masters are not looking out for your best interest, that's up to you!!!
John (John Doe, Jane Doe) is potentially all of us who strive for human freedom, Galt is LFTR (a paradigm shift in human advancement). John Galt is the men and women who make GALT reactor technology a reality for humanity. Because only the people can make this radical advancement occur, therefore John G.A.L.T. is the sufficient masses who take action which succeeds.. The Elites will do whatever it takes to stop LFTR, which is nearly free energy, including full scale nuclear war. In simple terms, the masses must become aware of technologies like LFTR, and force them down the throat of the Beast, we're never going to get them otherwise. For example after Kirk Sorensen uncovered GALT reactor technology (LFTR), which fissions a chemical form of thorium and U233, the elites ordered the destruction of the worlds only stock pile of U233..
LFTR will not end demand for coal, oil, and gas, only it wont be for energy, instead for carbon atoms to produce carbon nano materials.. The value, and demand of fossil hydrocarbons will increase. The process to mass produce these fantastic nano materials require lots of energy. The 'carbon age' (man made carbon based materials that outperform therefore replace everything) can only come about with cheap safe clean abundant energy, LFTR is the first step. In the carbon age man can concentrate on the beauty of nature instead of using nature.. For example wood will only be needed as visual comport not as structure anymore.. Man made carbon materials will require lots of carbon which will have to come from fossils leaving hydrogen byproduct for fuel cells.. Therefore the 'carbon age' will bring a new need for coal, oil, and gas, that's orders of magnitude more important to the advancement of humanity than it was as fuel.. Thorium fissioned in a LFTR is 1 million times more energy dense than coal.. Even 100% efficient solar panels pale in comparison, LFTR is also cleaner energy than 100% efficient solar panels.. Man only needs LFTR for few hundred years, till we can obtain, and utilize, with advanced material science, Helium 3 fusion.. Beyond that will come mans ability to control antimatter as energy.. Man can not stay stagnant, he'll ether go back towards the dark ages, or forward to the 'carbon age'. It's time to advance humanity!!
It's not that a large number of citizens glorify drug lords, it's that well over 90% of humans smell something stinks with governments discrimination of drugs, and the plants they are derived from.. For example, parents are forced by threat of loosing their child to place them on SSRI's. The crazy control over plants that make the illegal drug trade possible, seems rather fishy. Most humans can sense evil. Almost none have time for, or interest, not to mention means or intellect, in figuring out the details. I think people sense more evil in those who represent government then in criminals government goes after, it's just not that easy for most to put their finger on it.. One thing everyone knows for absolute certainty, through long time observation of drug lord apprehensions, there will be no change whatsoever in drug supply, or street level hell that the "illegal" drug trade brings.. ''So, by simple deductions and conclusions, the problem is not the type trade that develops through human nature that is the root cause of the suffering, but the type of policy that is forced on humans by their slave lords..
'''So.., when is the government laws against freely growing the following plants; poppies, coca, and marijuana going to work to stop human suffering????? The laws don't seem to be working for the people!!!! You want to end suffering, and drug lords?? Just implement freedom, it works every time its tried, without exception.. You will destroy the stronger strains of these plants by letting anyone grow them as unregulated as tomato's, its called pollination!! The more regulated a plant is the more it's dug potential will be concentrated, and packed for shipment, therein lies the addiction problem.. It's so hard for people to see the real problem here.. Ask yourself this question, if there will be more addiction to these plant derivatives after freedom of them, then at least the addicted will not have to pay blood to get there fix, right?? In other words, the absolute worst case scenario would still be far better then what we have today.. And medical science has proven people will not get addicted to the weaker strains of these plant derivatives! Who's going to pay for stronger strains when they can freely grow them?? No one is!! That's the reason they are illegal.. '''So.., who's aiding the drug lords really??? Government control is the '''ONLY reason there's drug lords, period!! People are 98%+ good, it's the environment that our slave masters place us in that creates the unnecessary suffering.. Controlling people will eventually backfire!! The forces of this universe tend to even everything out given enough time.. And guess what, now ISIS can profit much much more form heroin imports, now that Guzman is gone.. Taking out Guzman will not change a single solitary thing, or drop supply one iota. Freeing these wonderful plants so they can naturally go back to their native existence will drastically change everything for the better..
This riveting video [ ] by Robert Spencer of Koran teachings on the foundation of jihad, now and sense the day it was written approx 1400 years ago.. It's not like it's disputable, its been written in black and white for a long time.. It's comical how all these government (mind control, govern = control, ment = mind) officials always lie about this issue...LOL Evil will always ally with evil, sense mind control is not good, it can only be placed in the evil category.. Whatever "evil" is, one things for sure human activity that can be placed in that category happens every second of every day.. "Evil can't tell the truth if it wanted to", is true!! Anything deemed the "official" narrative is guaranteed to be the polar opposite of reality, every time, no exceptions!!!.. Evil is pathetic, and only requires no one to light it up, to exist.. Just flic the lights of truth on.. "The truth shale set you free", is true!! "What you don't know wont hurt you", is a lie!! "You die from lack of knowledge", is true!! Knowledge = truth, reality, etc.. '''Ignore your government., as it always has, and always will help spread a spiritual enemy of freedom.. '''Speaking only to the citizen., you have to know your enemy to deal with it correctly.. Forget altogether that government, left or right will correctly deal with a spiritual enemy of freedom on behalf of freedom, it absolutely positively will not, no exceptions whatsoever!!!!! Government doesn't deal with freedom (a spiritual force by definition) nor terror (also a spiritual force by definition) correctly, and it '''NEVER will!! You the people of this planet have to deal with this enemy of freedom correctly if freedom is to succeed, PERIOD!!!! Freedom is the only anti terror, just as terror is anti freedom.. The later is why a terrorist religion was created in the first place, and why, at this time being spread yet again, by government, on purpose.. If these truths are hard for you to see, you need to get out of the darkness, or otherwise find light where you are.. "Nothing to fear but fear itself", is true!! "Freedom, like the lion, defends itself", is true!! "Freedom can handle any obstacle", is true!! "Terror can handle anything that submits", is true!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you watch in order, you'll probably watch them all, they're short:
ISIS is currently working on, with much help from many nation states, knocking out the US power grid, which is scandalously vulnerable.. In just 10 strategic substations they can take out our electric grid for 18 months.. They must achieve this before Obama leaves office to insure he stays as dictator of the most powerful nation on earth.. We can stop this if we take action.. Among lots of things we must immediately force the Impeachment of Obama, for many reasons, one; it will force this action sooner then they're ready thus foiling it, two; we cant take a chance on Obama taking reign of the world as dictator, three; if nothing else we must set a precedent that future presidents can't get away with blatant out in the open lawbreaking... The Bergdahl swap is a quick and easy slam dunk case for impeachment.. The House would have no option but to Impeach over this easy case of not even informing congress let alone getting its legal approval.. A President can't release POW's without congressional approval, PERIOD!!!!!!!! They were locked up during a congressional declaration of war!!!
Of course the following comment was censored by the POS slimy yellow bellied child destroying commie pinko fags who run DC:
This has nothing to do with the color of skin.. The food producers of this entire planet are under assault for many many years.. Maybe only white people are willing to stand and fight back, i don't know?? But US feds have been stepping on ranchers and farmers toes for over half a century, something has to break eventually.. God know the American people are too cowardice to stand up for their food producers, so the ranchers alone must take a stand. Do you want good clean safe healthy food on your plate, or poison????? Careful who you criticize before you know the facts!!!!! Here's the legal facts explained eloquently, and the courts when forced have no choice but to follow the preceding explanation of whats really going on with the rancher standoff:
The names involved are irrelevant in that this would have happened at some point anyway.. It's about the last half century of US Fed railroading our farmers and ranchers, who the coward dim wit Americans have absolute no concern in helping, have left the few brave ranchers willing to stand and take this effort all alone.. The Hammond's were threatened to dissociate from the Bundy's or face harder time in worse facilities..
Lefty feminist freak over false rape, but say nothing about real rape.. How does that happen?? Well, of course they believe the opposite is true, but why ?? We know they're wrong, but they don't? The answer is because they are a part of the 'BEAST'.. That's just one good example of why I refer to freedoms enemy as a single "BEAST'!! ''''Because, in a very real sense it is!!! But much more important, one must know his fatal enemy to kill it first.. By the way, sadly most humans are a part of this 'beast', to some degree or another.. And that my friends is why it is critical to kill it by advancing mankind itself to a higher level (higher "wealth" average) of civilized existence.. It's a win win for freedom, and a loose loose for the 'BEAST..
Think of the 'BEAST' as a spiritual life form with about an average of 10 heads, and billions of tentacles of varying size and strength rapped around this planet floating through space.. It feeds on spiritual life forms, which means it relies on suffering for its sustenance. Therefore drastically changing the rate of suffering will kill the current 'BEAST' over you.. You must kill this 'beast' to progress.. And lucky for you, if you succeed at advancing to the next energy paradigm the beast will die as a result.. You have no choice.. If you don't, it will die off on its own when man kind resends back towards the dark ages, only to be replaced by many worse forms.. It will die off, but there will be worse beasts enjoying the drastically increased human suffering.. There will always be these struggles, to lessen them you must advance.. You're at a cross roads.. It is time to advance..
Please folks, understand this takeover is global, and has been schemed for over 100 years.. You're all slaves to one degree or another, '''for gods sake you're called human resource!! All Monterey loans by China, and other countries are based on our human resource..
'''Look, it's a big enemy we're up against, we must attack it in a big way, which by the way is the easiest way to attack it.. Even your Christian bibles say, "For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.".. It also says "you die from lack of knowledge"! The easy way to attack this in a big way is to advance energy, and thus material science.. That Energy science has already been done 6000 hrs flawlessly successful in the late 60's.. It was called LFTR a thorium / U233 MSR ..
LFTR is the next step in human energy advancement, and now is the time to take that step.. Like all advanced civilizations, you can't stay in one place of development! Whether you like it or not, you will ether head back to the stone age, or forward to the 'carbon age'!!!
Give me a break, Walden couldn't wipe his own ass without permission, much less help the Hammond's.. """look this bully globalist agenda is destroying freedom of food throughout the world, and has been destroying American family ranchers and farmers for over half a century... It's time to fry these commie treasonous pieces of trash.. They talk all this hog wash, what the media needs to do is expose the truth of the systematic land grab and destruction of good healthy food producers and replacing them with poison producers..
Let me see, we're letting terrorist in the country, trading known hardcore terrorist for Bergdahl the traitor, and locking up the best Americans we have, and calling them terrorist....LOL Unfucking believable what the stupid coward Americans will put up with...LOL
Lets rase the money to go after this problem once and for all, and truly expose the feds in their land grab ambitions.. You can't stop a bully with hope, only force.. Lets start by using serious legal force, that means money, lots of money.. That's much much easer then blood.. We have to help these food producers, because by themselves, all they have left is the blood rout!!!
Below comment did not post on youtube comments on this video:
All Americans should get informed on whats happening to their food source producers. Far worse fed atrocities have been happening to small ranch, and farmers for well over half century.. What do you want on your dinner plate, poison???? Just the fact that these ranchers are being charged as terrorist should cause us to take defensive action.. This bully will never stop unless we stop it..
How can we truly succeed at stopping this commie take over of the world?? For one, we can shove LFTR, and a train full of coal down their throat... I happen to know for a absolute certainly they are terrified of LFTR getting built and used to make electricity.. The globalist desperately need to increase the cost of electricity, and would be fatally wounded if it gets drastically decreased instead.. To give you a conservative estimate on electricity production costs compared to rates now and after LFTR is widely in use.. A typical $1,000.00 bill would be easily less than $20.00..
Thorium fissioned in a LFTR is 1 million times more energy dense than coal.. With time, and competition the rate difference wouldn't even be comparable in todays energy usage.. It would literally be pennies for what your spending a thousand on today.. You can argue LFTR isn't all we have to do, but is is a death blow to the beast in the big picture, and it is something we could easily create a informative video on to increase awareness to household knowledge.. If you know what extremely cheap energy would bring humanity you'd understand why it's a death threat to your "owners".
Comment below actually posted on youtube comments:
All Americans should get informed on whats happening to their food source producers. Far worse fed atrocities have been happening to small ranch, and farmers for well over half century.. What do you want on your dinner plate, poison???? Just the fact that these ranchers are being charged as terrorist should cause us to take defensive action.. This bully will never stop unless we stop it..
How can we truly succeed at stopping this commie take over of the world?? For one, we can shove LFTR, and a train full of coal down their throat... I happen to know for a absolute certainly they are terrified of LFTR getting built and used to make electricity.. The globalist desperately need to increase the cost of electricity, and would be fatally wounded if it gets drastically decreased instead.. To give you a conservative estimate on electricity production costs compared to rates now and after LFTR is widely in use.. A typical $1,000.00 bill would be easily less than $20.00..
Thorium fissioned in a LFTR is 1 million times more energy dense than coal.. With time, and competition the rate difference wouldn't even be comparable in todays energy usage.. It would literally be pennies for what your spending a thousand on today.. You can argue LFTR isn't all we have to do, but is is a death blow to the beast in the big picture, and it is something we could easily create a informative video on to increase awareness to household knowledge.. If you know what extremely cheap energy would bring humanity you'd understand why it's a death threat to your "owners".
The below comment was blocked from the videos comment section:
All Americans should get informed on whats happening to their food source producers. Far worse fed atrocities have been happening to small ranch, and farmers for well over half century.. What do you want on your dinner plate, poison???? Just the fact that these ranchers are being charged as terrorist should cause us to take defensive action.. This bully will never stop unless we stop it..
How can we truly succeed at stopping this commie take over of the world?? For one, we can shove LFTR, and a train full of coal down their throat... I happen to know for a absolute certainly they are terrified of LFTR getting built and used to make electricity.. The globalist desperately need to increase the cost of electricity, and would be fatally wounded if it gets drastically decreased instead.. To give you a conservative estimate on electricity production costs compared to rates now and after LFTR is widely in use.. A typical $1,000.00 bill would be easily less than $20.00..
Thorium fissioned in a LFTR is 1 million times more energy dense than coal.. With time, and competition the rate difference wouldn't even be comparable in todays energy usage.. It would literally be pennies for what your spending a thousand on today.. You can argue LFTR isn't all we have to do, but is is a death blow to the beast in the big picture, and it is something we could easily create a informative video on to increase awareness to household knowledge.. If you know what extremely cheap energy would bring humanity you'd understand why it's a death threat to your "owners".