Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Did Sean Penn inadvertently do 'El Chapo' in?

'''So.., when is the government laws against freely growing the following plants; poppies, coca, and marijuana going to work to stop human suffering????? The laws don't seem to be working for the people!!!! You want to end suffering, and drug lords?? Just implement freedom, it works every time its tried, without exception.. You will destroy the stronger strains of these plants by letting anyone grow them as unregulated as tomato's, its called pollination!! The more regulated a plant is the more it's dug potential will be concentrated, and packed for shipment, therein lies the addiction problem.. It's so hard for people to see the real problem here.. Ask yourself this question, if there will be more addiction to these plant derivatives after freedom of them, then at least the addicted will not have to pay blood to get there fix, right?? In other words, the absolute worst case scenario would still be far better then what we have today.. And medical science has proven people will not get addicted to the weaker strains of these plant derivatives! Who's going to pay for stronger strains when they can freely grow them?? No one is!! That's the reason they are illegal.. '''So.., who's aiding the drug lords really??? Government control is the '''ONLY reason there's drug lords, period!! People are 98%+ good, it's the environment that our slave masters place us in that creates the unnecessary suffering.. Controlling people will eventually backfire!! The forces of this universe tend to even everything out given enough time.. And guess what, now ISIS can profit much much more form heroin imports, now that Guzman is gone.. Taking out Guzman will not change a single solitary thing, or drop supply one iota. Freeing these wonderful plants so they can naturally go back to their native existence will drastically change everything for the better..

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