Thursday, January 7, 2016

Winning the Global Warming Debate


Below comment did not post on youtube comments on this video:

All Americans should get informed on whats happening to their food source producers. Far worse fed atrocities have been happening to small ranch, and farmers for well over half century.. What do you want on your dinner plate, poison???? Just the fact that these ranchers are being charged as terrorist should cause us to take defensive action.. This bully will never stop unless we stop it.. 

How can we truly succeed at stopping this commie take over of the world??  For one, we can shove LFTR, and a train full of coal down their throat... I happen to know for a absolute certainly they are terrified of LFTR getting built and used to make electricity.. The globalist desperately need to increase the cost of electricity, and would be fatally wounded if it gets drastically decreased instead.. To give you a conservative estimate on electricity production costs compared to rates now and after LFTR is widely in use..  A typical $1,000.00 bill would be easily less than $20.00..

Thorium fissioned in a LFTR is 1 million times more energy dense than coal.. With time, and competition the rate difference wouldn't even be comparable in todays energy usage..  It would literally be pennies for what your spending a thousand on today.. You can argue LFTR isn't all we have to do, but is is a death blow to the beast in the big picture, and it is something we could easily create a informative video on to increase awareness to household knowledge..  If you know what extremely cheap energy would bring humanity you'd understand why it's a death threat to your "owners".

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