Of course the following comment was censored by the POS slimy yellow bellied child destroying commie pinko fags who run DC:
This has nothing to do with the color of skin.. The food producers of this entire planet are under assault for many many years.. Maybe only white people are willing to stand and fight back, i don't know?? But US feds have been stepping on ranchers and farmers toes for over half a century, something has to break eventually.. God know the American people are too cowardice to stand up for their food producers, so the ranchers alone must take a stand. Do you want good clean safe healthy food on your plate, or poison????? Careful who you criticize before you know the facts!!!!! Here's the legal facts explained eloquently, and the courts when forced have no choice but to follow the preceding explanation of whats really going on with the rancher standoff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
The names involved are irrelevant in that this would have happened at some point anyway.. It's about the last half century of US Fed railroading our farmers and ranchers, who the coward dim wit Americans have absolute no concern in helping, have left the few brave ranchers willing to stand and take this effort all alone.. The Hammond's were threatened to dissociate from the Bundy's or face harder time in worse facilities..
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