Thursday, December 3, 2015

Murray Energy CEO: New climate rules will cost America - FoxTV Business ...


The following comment was censored on video page and G+, so I had to post here: LFTR a thorium molten salt reactor which ran in the 60's for 6,000 hrs flawlessly was created by military for powering jet turbine engines, is inherently modular, safe, self regulating, long lived waste free, uses 97% of fissile material compared .7% of todays reactors, is 1 million times more energy dense then coal, is non weapons prolific, negates the need for a massive wasteful costly fragile high maintenance power grid, it's mined with rare earths, makes high valued metals like tritium at 30,000 per gram, plutonium 4,000 per gram, and others.. LFTR's cheap energy will be the real positive paradigm shift for humanity... It will allow the mass production of carbon nano's.. Best of all, it's not disruptive to the fossil fuel industry, short or long term, like many think.. In the short term the mere knowledge of this technology will destroy the global 'hold out' of coal energy to poor undeveloped powerless nations, and the restriction of coal burning everywhere else.. In the long term carbon nano's will literally pave the future of humanities entire infrastructure. It will replace steel, copper, aluminum, plastic, glass, concrete, pavement, parking lots, buildings, vehicles, bridges, etc, etc.. It's hard for most to believe it will replace even the rocks used in pavement, but trust me it will... The roadways will lay down like Lego's, and come apart for repair like Lego's... We will build space elevators on earth, and mars eventually.. But I digress, in the short term, the fact that LFTR is coming will convince legislator's to let coal be freely burned for energy on a scale like china is doing but world wide to facilitate the growth of technology which will take fossils from co2 spewers to solid carbon material, and clean hydrogen fuel cells, sense hydrogen is the byproduct left after harnessing the carbon... In short, LFTR will not disrupt any current energy industries other than the stupid ones, like solid fuel nuclear, solar, wind, and completely laughably unbelievably stupid biofuel... Solar will die a slower death, even after solar reaches 90+% efficiency it will be orders of magnitude less viable compared to LFTR... Carbon age material science advances will take mankind from LFTR to helium 3 fusion in 2 or 3 hundred years, but even then fossils will be used to make carbon material... So don't pull all your investment from coal, more importantly put investment into Flibe Energy's LFTR project, and other MSR projects world wide... First and foremost invest in LFTR information campaigns, easy word animation video's and such... Informing the masses is the only thing holding this future back....

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