Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Peak Everything: Oil, Water, Climate Stability, and More

These guys only made sense when they discuss the treatment of soil.. These guys actually assume mankind will not advance beyond using coal, oil, and gas, as fuel.. Thorium is the next fuel, not as a solid nuclear fuel though, only molten salt, this has been ignored for 70 years now.. After that Helium 3, after that antimatter.. There's no way to skip any of these steps, because material science can't advance without the cheap energy source.. The only thing in the way of this is your slave masters (the beast) as i like to call it.. It will be in the way as long as you're to chicken to kill it..

I can believe it!! I'm suddenly able to post this subject without censor!  The following conversation all posted.. This much of this content matter has not been posting for me before..  Check out the following conversation, or see it in the video comments:

Will Power 4 days ago
 These guys only made sense when they discuss the treatment of soil.. These guys actually assume mankind will not advance beyond using coal, oil, and gas, as fuel.. Thorium is the next fuel, not as a solid nuclear fuel though, only molten salt, this has been ignored for 70 years now.. After that Helium 3, after that antimatter.. There's no way to skip any of these steps, because material science can't advance without the cheap energy source.. The only thing in the way of this is your slave masters (the beast) as i like to call it.. It will be in the way as long as you're to chicken to kill it..
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Beyond 50 Radio 9 hours ago
 +Will Power Who do you mean by "these guys."  You have some interesting ideas about where our fuel should come from.  Are you off the coal, oil and gas?  Thorium is not a very stable component for fuel you know that!
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Will Power 5 hours ago (edited)
 +Beyond 50 Radio  The 2 guys on the video..  No, I'm not off coal, oil, or gas.  Thorium is the best fission as long as it's in a liquid as in LFTR..  LFTR ran flawlessly for 6000 hrs in the late 60's..  The best fission efficiency man's ever made electricity from so far is only .07% fissile material utilization, LFTR burns 97% of the fissile material, leaving no waste issue..  If Fukushima were a LFTR it would have harmlessly solidified..
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Will Power 5 hours ago (edited)
 +Beyond 50 Radio   I wish I could show you the other three comments I made on this video that were censored..  I can only see them when logged in..  It's quite comical how censored good science is..  Junk science is never censored..LOL...
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Will Power 1 hour ago
 +Beyond 50 Radio LFTR will save the US coal industry, the US rare earth mining industry, and it will not end the use of oil and gas long or short term ether, quite the opposite..  The carbon nano industry will need the carbon resource of fossils for a thousand + years to come..
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Will Power 1 hour ago (edited)
 +Beyond 50 Radio Coal, oil, gas will become a carbon resource for the production of man made carbon nano materials, which way outperform everything. Mans carbon nano future, the 'carbon age' can only come about with cheap, safe, clean, abundant, energy, which for the first 200 approx years of the 'carbon age' can mostly only come from LFTR (thorium MSR fission).  In the 'carbon age' man can concentrate on the beauty of nature instead of using nature.. For example, wood will only be needed as visual comfort, not as structure anymore.. Man made carbon materials will require lots of carbon, which will have to come from fossils, leaving hydrogen as a useful byproduct, (fuel cells)..
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Will Power 1 hour ago
 +Beyond 50 Radio 100% efficiency solar panels would still be a joke in comparison to LFTR, which makes thorium 1 million times more energy dense than a carbon hydrogen bond, yet it is cleaner then solar. It's the closest thing man has to bring the power of a star down to earth, until carbon material science develops enough to obtain helium 3, and harness its fusion potential as mans power source.
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Will Power 26 minutes ago
 +Beyond 50 Radio LFTR can not melt down, can not blow up, is non-prolific, is modular thus rids the need for a vulnerable electric grid, etc, etc, the list of positives is long.. Best of all LFTR will give humanity cheap energy to usher in a new paradigm in man made carbon nano material which take lots of energy to create.. These carbon nano material will give the world all kinds of magnificent environmentally friendly alternatives to everything man has today and much much much more.  For example graphene ocean water filtration..  Ether pump fresh drinking water, or just remove the salt only leaving everything else  for feeding the soil food crops all the minerals in perfect amounts..  Did you know population reduces naturally in advanced societies, and is out of control in areas like Africa where they are not allowed to advance with cheap coal powered electricity..  CO2 is not even a problem, but we don't even need it as power much longer, and could have gotten rid of it as power 60 years ago..
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Will Power 17 minutes ago (edited)
 +Beyond 50 Radio   Did you know the Navy has for 10+ years been making on the spot 90% cleaner burning synthetic hydrocarbons with sea water for 1/3 the coast of dirty ground based fossils, and thats with their antiquated dangerous only .07% efficient HWR on-board their vessels..  Imagine what LFTR can do at 97% efficiency..  By the way they toss the byproducts, bottle-able oxygen, fresh water, agricultural minerals, sea salt, etc, and there's many other marketable products from this process that could be sold to make gasoline and diesel that burns almost as clean a natural gas, and is 100% carbon neutral, and could easily be as cheap as .50 cents per gal..  We really don't need it anymore as fuel though, except for the hydrogen byproduct for fuel cells after harnessing the carbon..  The internal combustion engine is a dinosaur!!!!  Carbon nano fiber motor winding are many times more conductive than copper and many times lighter than aluminum..  It's time for rims that are motors, and hydrogen saturated carbon fuel cells..  The military is already doing this with their latest Humvee prototype..  Its powered by a generator, but each rim is a motor, and it gets twice the mileage of its predecessor..
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