Saturday, December 12, 2015

Stock selloff: Should you panic?

T. Boone Pickens was wrong about his oil price prediction.. Why can't
T. Boone get on the LFTR energy solution band wagon which will save the
fossil fuel industry for the short, and long term. Carbon nano's like
nano wire, graphene, or artificial diamonds, and everything in between..
With low cost clean energy from LFTR the possibilities are endless
with carbon based molecule material science.. All that carbon will have
to come from somewhere, and that would be Coal, Oil, and Gas with a
byproduct of hydrogen..
That covers the long term need for fossils.. For the short term,
empowering the great people of the African continent with cheap Coal
power until LFTR comes on line.. This would not just be humanitarian, it
would prepare them for the massive changes that cheap power brings.
Come on T. Boone, what the hell do you have to loose.. Flibe energy
can have the first prototype LFTR in just five years for a mere half

Of course this  above comment has to be censored from the video and G+.. LFTR and the carbon age is more than a threat, it spells absolute death for the current Beast over humanity..  This powerful force has managed to keep LFTR from us for 70 years, it's time to shove LFTR, and a train full of Coal down its throat..

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