Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Thorium (new) - Periodic Table of Videos

Censorship below of Will Power's Reply to Hjembrent Kent:

Will Power, 6 months ago:
American scientist are allowed to play with Plutonium all they want, but Thorium is completely off limits!?! The potassium in bananas is more radioactive then Thorium! Thorium is banned by the global Oligarchy, because its 1 million times more energy dense then coal, can be fissioned extremely safe with no waste issue, is extremely abundant, non weapons prolific, and creates high valued items from mining to fissioning, is therefore nearly free energy compared to anything we've used to date. But the real scary thing for the slave master's is it will empower the masses by orders of magnitude due in large part to the material science revolution cheap energy will create. Imagine 3D printed carbon based everything, irrigating right from the ocean with all the marvels of sea water minus only the salt, the list of benefits to mankind is endless.

Hjembrent Kent's Reply to Will Power:
Thorium breeder reactors produce pure bomb fuel directly, U-233, and normal reactors don't.

Will Power's Reply to Hjembrent Kent:
[CENSORED>>>>>>"U-233 is worthless bomb material, also it's needed as thoriums fissile material in a LFTR, so you can't use it for bombs if you need it for the reactor! ... Only liquid fuel technology is worth doing, because of the massive efficiency, safety, and waste differences. A LFTR uses 97% of fissile potential, solid fuel uses a pathetic .07%, leaving a monumental waste issue, not to mention, is prone to disasters which molten salt reactors like LFTR are totally immune too. ... Tell me, what's your point in resisting a vastly better nuclear fission? A million times better, cleaner, self regulating, can't blow up, can't melt down, if it was at Fukushima it would have harmlessly solidified, spilling ''ZERO radiation! I fail to comprehend why you sickos want to use the worst possible energy solutions?!? Either you're not researched, or like Bill Gates, queen Lizzy, the gloBULList et al, you want a carbon tax, and absolutely positively no solutions that actually work. Who told you U-233 was good bomb material? If so, why doesn't any country on earth save it. They all sell it to America, and we're dismantling it last I heard. Queen Lizzy (gloBULL Empire) ordered the dismantle of the only supply of U-233 on earth, its because LFTR interest in the nuclear science community is back in full swing, thanks to the information age, and just like last time this same technology was all the rage (1940's to 1973, when it was killed), the gloBULL empire must not let such good cheap abundant energy get developed. LFTR is the old G.A.L.T. Chemical Reactor technology developed by Alvin Weinberg in mid last century. You really should do some research on this subject, you'd be blown away how good it is, and the massive spoiler efforts led by the Royal family.">>>>>]

Very few people would have ever seen that conversation reply, yet it was instantly censored. Censorship occurrences is my targeting tool. That's how to find the BEAST's exact vulnerable spot. It's time to expose LFTR, thus killing the BEAST. ...... For time understanding, an instant kill of this kind of BEAST would be approximately 10 years, and we don't ever expect an instant kill. ... If we exposed LFTR, and actually got clean cheap abundant energy up and fully running electricity for the world, the current BEAST over humanity would quickly starve out. 'Sadly, LFTR intellectual property is currently being given to 700 Chinese nuclear scientist in China's own Manhattan style effort to own this technologies intellectual property, lock stock and barrel. All due to deals made between China, and the British Monarchy. After all, America can't eventually be destroyed if she owns LFTR, her very own invention, from mid last century! "America must not lose LFTR to China!

There's big-time censorship on the net of information your slave masters are actively keeping from you! It's quite comical. It's high time to build a decentralized net. A place to post censored info. People would eventually flock to it.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Daily Show - Tomi Lahren - Giving a Voice to Conservative America on...

The below comment stays about 3 minutes on G+, then simply disappears. No red ribbon saying, "only you can see this" with review option, nothing, just disappears. I'm told it's because Google had to turn my G+ over to government alphabets to save company manpower. ... This is how freedom gathers intelligence, watch what the BEAST must censor to save it's life, and then you'll no exactly how to kill it.

'Tomi, don't waste time with these pathetic BEASTiods, they're sell out swine with no hope! Don't even talk to the race baiter's. They're brain washed. They have no clue who the real racist are. They in fact are the modern day uncle toms, they're just way too clouded to comprehend who the real racist are, and utterly clueless they're working for actual white supremest's. Their job is too insist on labeling nearly all whites as racist. As long as that's their narrative, they succeed financially. If this guy ever changes his mind, he'd be chopped off the vine instantly. I guess it helps a little to speak to them, because I would have never seen this guy otherwise, it's just hard to see you get accused of being racist by a pathetic brainwashed BEASTiod. Just because he's making bank doesn't make him worthy. He's only making bank from his race baiting narrative, so his lily white masters can finally divide and conquer the powerful west. He has no clue he's fighting for his own racist masters. The silent majority is waking up. Freedom has just barely begun to yawn. Putting yourself on the chopping block of pure deception is unnecessary. You did a fantastic job though. It's just harmful strategy, since all this BEASTiod sees is white racist's. Reality, truth, freedom, the quiet majority should only send nonwhites to counter narratives like his. There's plenty of blacks who'd love to debate this fool. There's so many blacks in America extremely embarrassed about "Black Lives Matter". They'll never let them on, so expose them for refusing to let those blacks speak on air, they're terrified of apposing blacks! Putting yourself up, just helps them race bait millions of blacks who can't see the reality of America 2016. EVIL can't make truth anymore than darkness can make light. His job is too twist anything you say into a racist statement, he can't do that with a black person. I highly doubt this foolish slave would be allowed by his masters to debate a black person, that's all we have to prove here.

Jim Sinclair-Financial Pressure Cooker Bomb Cooking Now

The Evil machines, hahahahahahahaha. Buy BITCOIN. 'OK, I'll concede the computer/information age is at an awkward baby stage, but it's not the problem it's the solution. Going backward is certainly not the answer. As far as Capitalism being dead, is complete hogwash. The minnows (free masses) need to gang up and eat the last remaining shark, then tell the fed to take the debt and shove it, as in reinstate Glass Steagall type legislation. Do you not believe in all the vastness of space, exist no civilizations far more technically advanced that us, with strong freedom of capitalism? Technology atomizes capitalism down to everyone, we just have a lot of growing to do. The very essence of capitalism exist in all life forms, monetization of that essence is where the term comes from. As long as there's money there will be capitalism (% of freedom of capitalism is the ?), and the more technologically advanced the freer (atomized) capitalism will be. Concentrating capitalism causes fewer much larger bubbles destined to catastrophically burst. The earth has never seen much freedom of capitalism. We've never even seen freedom of money. We don't have freedom of energy technology, hell we don't even have freedom of food or medicine anymore. If freedom doesn't take charge of its destiny, it risks a new dark age. Freedom must keep itself from shackles.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

REPORT: Technology Has Made Us Ugly

censored on G+ & youtube???: G+ approved after review, but still wont post on youtube. .. Following censorship gathers intelligence.

Technocrats hahahahahahaha. I told an Alex Jones drone the other day a military contractor was working on an ocean water carbon filter that only removes salt and keeps all the other wonderful nourishing nutrients in sea water for crop irrigation directly from the ocean, something JFK mentioned in several speeches would be the achievement of the century. All this drone could say, "that would end up leaving the oceans to salty". Almost as dumb as saying an Island would tip over from too many people. A dumb person who's well read becomes more dangerous. If you can't connect dots correctly, just dig ditches, and be happy. Alex should at least stop using aliens attacking as an analogy of the elites. Star traveling capable beings would by all logic be angelic in nature, not demonic in nature. The universe is teaming with resources, killing precious life would be totally unnecessary by an interplanetary species, they wouldn't even interfere with humanity much less harm us. Alex's illogical rants limit the intelligence of his GIANT - the audience he can attract. It's a huge turn off to the people who can see the nonsense. How can Alex's organization ever reach the builders of technology if his output remains so ignorant to reality as it pertains to technology. Technology will be destroyed by tyrants along with billions of people if freedom fails to keep a strong enough upperhand over the advanced human tools it created. Fear-mongering about technology with totally evil deceptive terms, made up by tyrants, such as 'Technocracy' is extremely foolish. I assume Technocrat is 100% Alex Jones invention. Perhaps someone could enlighten me on the first person to say the foolish term. Good technologies come from truth, EVIL can't control truth anymore than darkness can control light. Alex's audience will be a reflection of his own intelligence. Intelligence means, the ability to correctly connect the dots. It doesn't mean a well read person with completely false, dot connections. '''Tyrants, Tyrannies, Tyrannical systems of any kind can not control technology for very long, and the better technology gets it's also orders of magnitude harder for them to control it!! They can cause massive destruction with it, if freedom - its inventor - fails to take action, But building a long term - over ten years - "Technocracy" is impossible. Stick around awhile, you'll see! A tyrant can control through brute force of power - armies, etc. - but all it's technology came from freedom. When we lose the balance of freedom all out destruction will come, completely destroying the living Tyrants as well. The spirits behind those dead Tyrants remains, they'll be back in flesh and blood! To starve off the spirits, you must change human habitat radically enough to stop constant suffering that feeds their ability to exist.

Saturday, December 3, 2016

Ohio Students Can't Say "Terrorism"

Below comment was censored on G+ & youtube???:

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, Oh My.... The mind control is thick at College... LOL Heavy heavy duty mind warp... Thank's for this video, I wouldn't have believed it without seeing it for myself... These kids will eventually learn what using a terror event as a spiritual weapon of war (conquest) is all about. Also that it's been written hundreds of ways throughout the teachings of the political ideology called Islam, and those black and white writings have been there for 14 hundred years. The very word Islam means submission, and submission is associated with force. If college kids are being deceived (kept from reality) all the education in the world isn't worth that exposer to mind control. The good news is they'll all eventually learn. The bad news is, it will likely be the hard way for most of them, and take half their life time. The way they're' acting is welcoming with open arms, more terror... Freedom is the only possible way to neutralize terror, no matter where the terror comes from.

Saturday, July 16, 2016

AJ Show (2nd HOUR VIDEO Commercial Free) Friday 7/15/16: Matt Bracken Ta...


'Alex.., freedom, which by definition is a spiritual force, is under a full-throated attack by it's natural polar opposite, terror. The masters yielding this global scale, terror 'whip', of which Islamism is only a part, albeit a visibly large potent repugnant fast growing part, are the absolute top of the earthly food chain. They use spiritual forces (the BEAST) to hold their position of power, basically the fruits of their religion. This tiny sect of humanity with its wicked obscure religion, may very well be the oldest religious group on earth. The masters of this group are far far above in earthly power over, Soros, Gates, google, facebook owners, etc., etc., etc.. Those guys and gals are just simply very close to the vest, highly productive, extremely profitable, SLAVES. In fact, if you do the math, they fit the very definition of slave better then any slave in human history. Those at the very top of the pyramid are the MASTERS, except they're enslaved by the BEAST itself, you don't hear their names batted around much. It's those leaders that are the masters yielding this whip called terror. There's many aspects to terror, just as there's many aspects in the fine details of a well crafted whip. It's those leaders that you must free from their BEAST enslavement. The trick for us little grasshoppers, is to figure out just how to dissolve through starvation the conglomeration of spiritual entities, forces, etc., the BEAST is made up of, which those top masters are beholden too. Once the masters lose their power source, all the slaves succumb to freedom. ... Even the locust from time to time manage to starve whole populations of mammals by consuming all their food source. Freedom always has the superior upper hand, if only enough of you would realize this at the same time. The easy way, I keep saying but no one comprehends, is to build an extreme habitat for yourselves, which will empower all 7.5 billion of you, orders of magnitude from where you are now, alleviating suffrage, while spreading freedom like locus on lush crops. Suffrage is the only food source of your enemy (the BEAST). That extreme habitat, is a new energy/material paradigm, (LFTR/Carbon synthetics) which has been staring you right in the face for over 60 years, it's just a matter of recognizing it. ... Lets face it folks, we're up against a very powerful force. Even if you could, some how manage to take out their top slaves, they would simply buy new ones immediately, not to mention destroy you immediately. The George Sorros et al.'s, are merely slaves of their's. ''Trust me., if George for example, decided to buck this system he's shackled to, would get the kunta kinte treatment so fast his head would spin. ... Notice, this is all big picture strategy. That's because your enemy uses big picture strategies to enslave you. You must learn your opponent, and fight it correctly to actually beat it. You have no choice but to advance to a new energy/material paradigm. It is your only hope! It's what you must do for many many reasons. Even if you had no major BEAST metabolizing you, you would have to advance from the industrial age anyway, or eventually fall pray to your own stagnation.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Conspiracy Theory: Hillary's "Voluntary" FBI Appearance

Trumps not part of the conspiracy of humanities controller. Trump registers as some one struggling to tell the truth in such a way that the dumbyens (nimrod masses) will comprehend. Hillary registers as never speaking truth period, ever, not even close. Trumps only hope is building a GIANT to counter the BEAST. Trumps skill set leads me to believe he's not up to par in the understanding of this minutia, so he's going to have to trust the skills of those of us who do understand this this very comment I'm writing. The GIANT and the BEAST are spiritual forces. They don't necessarily come from Religion, although Religions definitely posses these forces. .. It's real simple, If a guy running for office needs a GIANT in order to achieve his goals, all he needs to do is expose the truth of the wickedness destroying his society which gave him the reason to run in the first place. Otherwise, he's wasting his time, life, limb, as well as his loved ones, same. Because, the controllers with the unchallenged power from their BEAST will easilly get him under their thumb in no time. Trump has to be brave enough to tell the truth, and do it in such a way that he doesn't look like a walking personality disorder. ...  On a side note, thanks for reminding me, I forgot how secret the Manhattan project was. Trumps effort to give humanity a new energy material paradigm, has to be huge, but completely open to the GIANT, which means open to the masses. The effort I'm talking about is waking up the old GALT Chemical Reactor, it was basically LFTR technology as its known today. JFK was a heavy promoter of G.A.L.T. [Geothermal, Atmospheric, Liquid (molten salts), Thorium (fluoride salt of thorium), Chemical Reactor]. It's where the great Ayn Rand got the last name for John. She was also very exited about this fantastic technology in the 1940's when GALT was a mere scientific discovery in the science section of some newspaper.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

MUST-SEE: Loesch Tears Into Liberals' 'Bunk Narrative' Pushing Gun Control


The legal theft lefty, commie & to dumb to know it, drunk on pinko cool-aid kid here is off her rocker, and off by miles on every pathetic point she made. She actually believes what she's saying though, %!@^&%$#&!! Bottom line, we have our guns, and you can't take them, na-na na-na boo-boo! Americans may own more guns by far than any other nation, but I'm telling ya, we don't have nearly enough. Buy guns buy ammo, and don't get ripped off! There's a lot of garbage being sold, consult real professionals, especially with AR's & such. You want something that's fail prof as possible. Check out the ARAK (AR AK combo) it looks interesting. The main thing, you must get training, and gun etiquette seared into your brain. Get the training before you buy the gun, because it's what's important. If shit goes south, guns will be available, if nothing else the enemy has plenty, with ammo. Training training training, just learn on line to start. Look folks, the gloBULList want all peasants on earth to be unarmed. They can succeed, only if we let them. The gang banger's and the like are out of control on purpose, it's symptom of no freedom, plus the mayhem is actively fed, funded, & facilitated by the gloBULL Oligarchy who we in one way or other all work for. The gloBULList need an excuse to bring in the "Safe City Initiative", and other crap. The gloBULLshits have been working on the project to bring mayhem to cities for well over 30 years, plus have many other disarm strategy irons in the fire. They truly have endless resources, but still can only win if we let them. Freedom always has ways, including the easy way, which would be the following. Orders of magnitude cheaper electricity. Liquid Fluoride Thorium Nuclear Reactors are the next energy technology that will take humanity to a new paradigm of civilized empowerment. Every paradigm in energy brings a paradigm in material, from [coal / metallurgy], to [proper liquid salts nuclear fission / man made carbon atomic level designed materials]. (coal/metal, to LFTR/carbon). After LFTR/carbon, Helium3 fusion/carbon, then finally man will learn to use anti matter, the sky's the limit after that. The 'BEAST' will hold us back, but only if we let it. The current 'BEAST' can't survive in a LFTR/carbon human civilization. So, it's simply fighting for its pathetic fear mongering life. A carbon civilization has orders of magnitude less vulnerabilities, & individual empowerment will be orders of magnitude higher. You won't be able to lie, you wont need to steal, terrorism will go out the window. By the way, all that carbon will mostly come from coal. The real value of coal has only scratched the surface! Believe what I tell you, it's absolutely 100% true, funding LFTR will smash the enemies of freedom.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Sam Harris Destroys Golden Age Of Islam


Islam never had a Golden Age, furthermore the reason they're being spread is to stop a new age of advancement. Purposeful spreading Islam by the BEAST to arrest human advancement is the big picture that almost no one believes or understands, but IT IS THE REALITY!!!!!!!!  Freedom will cause advancement, also major advancement will cause freedom, through empowering the individual. To stay alive the current BEAST must stop this. I don't mean the 'Devil' or Evil will no longer exist. The BEAST simply means, the massive apparatus built over thousands of years concerned with human suffering for it's sustenance thus survival.  This BEAST will die with the next energy paradigm (proper nuclear fission), it doesn't mean Evil will die.  It does mean Evil will be very compromised from what it is today.  Killing the current BEAST over humanity with a new energy paradigm is another big picture almost no one understands, or believes. For those who possibly do understand, or just want extremely, cheap, safe, clean, electricity, this is also your easiest way to achieve freedom, because it empowers the individual.  Simply force the next big advancement in energy down the throats of the carbon taxers. The gloBULList keep screaming for carbon free energy, right?  So rap it in pretty bows & ribbons, and give it to them.  The next step up for mankind is so big, it alone sufficiently fortifies freedom to solve all the current struggles for freedom without major bloodshed. The old GALT Chemical Reactor JFK was so enthusiastic about has been actively shoved under the rug. The technology is called LFTR now days, it's a type of MSR Molten Salt Reactor. It's one million+ times more energy dense than coal. Do your research on this safe waste free nuclear fission tech. Imagine electricity orders of magnitude cheaper, cleaner, & safer than anything man has ever made electricity with. With this cheap nuclear energy the carbon in coal, oil, & gas, can be used for CARBON-NANO's. And the left over hydrogen can be used for fuel cells, & hydrogen based rocket fuel....  Move on this before its too late, there's a very heavily funded effort to give the rights to this technology to foreign powers, for purposes of locking it away.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Debbie Wasserman Schultz stumbles while trying to defend Clinton email s...

I was asked why Hillary gets off without a hitch on so many criminal investigations over the years while guys like Nixon get BLEEDIA hung so quick and easy for doing what many if not all presidents do?  The following was my basic reply: Nixon wasn't sufficiently connected to the beast while bucking it, who would want to be?, and unfortunately hadn't created the proverbial GIANT.  The same power that Hillary, Obama, and many others are connected too, were the powers attacking Nixon.  The BLEEDIA is the actual mouth piece, vocal cords, of the 'BEAST'.  Hillary is connected to the same powers that JFK was famous for warning us about in speeches, who eventually had him Assassinated. You don't have to do anything to destroy these Evil powers!  All that has to be done is a sufficient amount of the masses have to become aware, be able to see it.  Unfortunately, people can't seem to even understand there's a problem, much less become aware of it, let alone, visualize it accurately enough.  FYI, virtual reality technology has potential to open eyes of those who have trouble understanding, if justly used for that purpose.  Who has the time understand this stuff, we're all very busy with life, but we must now take the time to save our very lives we're so busy with. Seeing it by sufficient numbers, kills it, just like light kills dark.  Even the Bible warns of wickedness in high places.  That means, conspiracies by Evil powerful secret societies, etc., who are in control because they have the power to be in control.  Nixon bucked that power, that's what happened to Nixon, & many others.  If a leader is going to successfully buck this power, who now days, are many times over; TRILLIONAIRE Oligarchs, he must be wise enough to awaken the masses, like what Trump is naturally organically doing with 'truth bombs'.  Whether Trump realizes it or not, if he awakens the GIANT sufficiently enough, every thing the 'BEAST' tries will backfire. If Trump backs off, or cows to them in any way, he will get destroyed. Trumps only hope now for success, is to go all out, no letting up, 'balls to the walls'. He must expose the 'enemy of freedom' to the public, with 'truth bombs'. Lucky for us, It's a battle he's got himself in, we can only hope he has the innate gift of correct strategy, and he will actually, make America greater then it ever was. The main thing for Trump is absolutely no real fear, no matter what the threats become.  Trump has to realize he can't get away with stepping on a Cricket, any thing Trump does that can be blown up as evil, wrong, criminal, etc., the BLEEDIA instantly will be on it like stink on shit, but no matter what the BEAST does, it will backfire as long as Trump has a ground swell of mass support, meaning the proverbial GIANT totally engaged on his behalf.  En-order for Trump to keep the GIANT inflated and fully engaged, he has to continue to legitimately strategically, 'truth bomb' using the endless stock pile, lists of fraud, the "establishment", "gloBULL Oligarchy", "NWO take over", "the BEAST", there's many names one can put on it, I like 'BEAST' it sums it up real accurate for many reasons I wont elaborate on now, but it's not because the Bible term.  The Bible used the term BEAST precisely because it sums it up real accurate.  Of course I don't suggest any of Trumps team to actually use any of these terms, some of them maybe, but not BEAST, not to inhibit his team from natural organic self, but realize communication must blend with an enormous global audience, the team must be "professional" at all times. Trump has to hire many skilled specialized individuals, cost is no issue.  The returns on these investments will be as enormous as the GIANT itself.  The GIANT is in range of a billion or more people globally and growing, with all the masses of unknown gifts that are abundant within that large a group, it's gloriously unspeakable.  Every millisecond this GIANT has ready, wide eyed, lion heart, warriors on guard. The BEAST compared to a developed proverbial GIANT, the beast is like a weasel tied to a bar of gold with a tenor guitar string in the face of a giant pissed off agitated hungry lion. Trump can rest in total peace, and should, he needs his rest, and lots of it.  Trump can relax, lose all fear, take no offense to anything, and just naturally organically be himself, which seems to be innately gifted for this task ahead.

Professional doesn't mean p.c., or pandering to bondage BEASToids. The GIANT can't get much use out of the well bound BEASToid. Luckily in Trump's gift bag there's innate wisdom on how to unshackle well bound BEASToids through the natural organic course of honestly 'truth bombing' freedoms enemies.  By professional, I basically mean, don't "lose it". "Losing it" will happen, no one can be perfectly "professional".  But, Trump, and all the parts of his team who have to openly communicate especially on air, must have very good skills in that regard. In my opinion Trump's team shines in that regard so far, just continue to get bigger and brighter. NO pandering to BESToids, NO p.c., but do your level best at NO "losing it", because the Trump team truly has all the real power on its side, by miles and miles.  "Losing it" is tied to the feeling of intimidation, you can leave intimidation behind, the GIANT is on your side.  We're all gifted in vastly different ways, some of us can't control not "losing it". I bring this up because I'm an actual retard in this regard, I do my open communicating in very self scrutinized print, very little verbally on the cuff, for me, doing that is literal suicide.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

CrossTalk: Those 28 Pages

Gas, oil, & coal are much more valuable as synthetic carbon material, & hydrogen for rocket fuel & fuel cells, then they ever were as just energy. America needs to immediately bring back the old G.A.L.T. Chemical Reactor using liquid fluoride salt of Thorium/U233 now known as LFTR, a type of MSR. JFK stated in a speech that GALT technology would be the only energy by 2000, replacing all fossil fuel. That would have happened but for the gloBULList shutting down, and covering up the technology, making it illegal for US scientist to even work with chemical thorium, or any thorium for that matter. This fraudulent illegality of thorium is what destroyed America's rare earth industry, sense thorium is typically found in the same ore as rare-earth minerals. Potassium in Bananas is more radioactive then thorium! This is a major fraud, because MSR's are 100% walkaway safe, use 97% of fissile potential, have no waste issue, is non weapons prolific, is modular by default making the extremely fragile power grid obsolete, etc., there's many more positives to this nuclear technology.  If Fukushima was a MSR it would have harmlessly solidified, spilling absolutely zero radiation, and Chernobyl would have never exploded, MSR's are under zero pressure. Comparison to solid fuel in todays LWR's use only .05% of fissile potential, have an enormous waste issue, are prone to pressure leaks, explosions, and dreadful meltdowns, like Fukushima, and Chernobyl. They took your extremely, clean, safe, cheap, modular, power technology!  Now they've all but taken your sovereignty, your farms and ranches, and soon your 1st & 2nd amendments, and the great gullible American coward is still sucking its clueless thumb, while contemplating giving them a carbon tax.  Wake the fuck up, you god damn pathetic bastards!!  This enemy is noting but darkness, completely destroyed by light.  How many more Fukushima's do you think the oceans can handle???????

Sunday, April 17, 2016

The Scary TRUTH About The Catholic Church (Roman Catholic Jesuit Pope Ex...

How will Americans keep this giant organization (the beast) from taking your small arms and munitions, if not by a new energy/material paradigm?? You ask how a new energy/material paradigm will starve this BEAST who's sustenance is suffering? Here's just a small list of what MSR Thorium power/carbon nano's will bring to humanity. It will trivialize the cost of the following, electricity, housing, transportation, real food production, 3Dprint manufacturing, secure communication, fresh water from any ocean, waste disposal, environmental clean up, space exploration, detecting & deflecting asteroids, understanding, knowledge, information, mass communication, connection to one another, ubiquitous lie detection ending crime as we know it, etc., etc.. Technologies like, Robotics, quantum computers, nano sensors, nano optics, nano etc., etc.. Just imagine everyone living like millionaires live today, but orders of magnitude less resource destruction, and utilization. The only thing holding you back is your fear, and the fight this BEAST will wage against you for it's very survival.  In short, by empowering the individual you maintain the power to retain, and protect freedom from its enemies.  Didn't the current paradigm, fossil fuel/metallurgy empower the individual? These technologies must come about under freedoms control for humanities long term survival, and short term protection from all the ills of the evil side of these technologies, which is pretty much all you'll get if freedom fails.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EhNv_wjNiUg    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7YB8w67xr34

Thursday, April 14, 2016

MSNBC Morning Host Admits The "Whole Voting System Is Rigged" After Bern...

"Democracy" usually picks the Cabal's choice, but when it fails too, there's plan B, C, etc.. You know what I mean, jelly bean. You're a slave bitch, get used to it, cause you've been one for many generations, you're just far too dumb to realize it. You want to put the screws to this Cabal??? Shove a new Energy/Material paradigm down its throat, otherwise you're wasting your breath. Half of "the 1%" is only about 30 people, those 30 people will loose their strangle hold with a major energy material advancement. Metallurgy and fossil fuels were big, eased direct and indirect slavery immensely, but Thorium and carbon nano's, made largely from coal, oil, and gas, will be orders of magnitude better for easing "slavery". Most people in the west don't feel like slaves now, no one will in the future. ""OR.., you can go back to the dark ages with global Islamification, it's entirely your choice.

Listen to Barbra Boxer in this video;   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kxGZb2GgdaM#t=13  It's enough to completely piss off a freedom loving Human.  This commie Boxer needs to have MSR (Molten Salt Reactor) technology like LFTR shoved down her throat sideways, because she's asking for a solution to burning fossil fuel, '''SO GIVE HER ONE!!!!!!!!!!  You want to shut these damn carbon taxer commies up for good, MSR technology is the only way your going to do it.

Just for truth record, if no one is smart enough to believe this I could care less at this point, but CO2 is extremely '''GOOD''' for the environment, and is '''NOT'' causing any warming whatsoever, hope that's Cristal clear!!!!  What's extremely bad for the environment, is the aluminum/barium particulates being spayed in the atmosphere for 30+ years,  '''''IT'S GOT TO STOP NOW, GOD DAMNIT, you're bringing down the ozone layer!!!!   Some other environmental disasters caused by man are, you picked the wrong nuclear technology, solid fuel nuke is a disaster in the making.  Some less important environmental damage, but is poisoning people, plants, animals, and is completely unnecessary, is improper disposal of chemicals, and trash..  Don't bury, properly incinerate, it can be done cleaner then burning coal, so why the f**k are you burying it!!!!!   Even less important to the environment, but extremely important to food production, real food that is, ''''''''FEED THE GOD DAMN SOIL WITH YOUR FOOD WASTE, SEWAGE, AND DEAD!!!!

What Barbra Boxer needs to get her attention is grab her hair, pull her head back, take a Thorium MSR science book, shove it sideways down her esophagus, and for good measure, go ahead and scalp her while you got her hair.  She nor any government controlled by a Cabal of about 30 people who want to kill 6 billion people are ever going to do the right thing for humanity.  If you're stupid enough to think they will, getting wiped from the genome is your fate....  A sufficient number of people have to fearlessly rise up, and destroy these shit holes in your face,  "PEACEFULLY!!!!!  MY VIOLENT TONE HERE IS METAPHORIC!!!!!  Believe me, these shit holes will bring the violence to you, that's the only thing they specialize in, human suffering!!

And, PLEASE don't be so dumb to end up with this as your next Comander-in-Chief: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nRjvvSv6a8  
I promise.., you won't like the results..  LOL    It is funny that she's even being considered, it shows just how stupid humans really are!!!  If she gets in, freedom can kiss its ass goodbye..  You cowards still have to make sure the current "unimpeachable" enemy in the White House does not end up with a 3rd term as Dictator-in-Chief under FEMA emergency powers.    

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

A One-Year Mission Retrospective

The below comment was censored on the NASA Youtube page comments..  It's understandable.... The proverbial "GIANT" (masses) is the only force able to easily smash the whip (government) yielding slave master (cabal)...  Real solutions to mans energy, and environmental needs for well over 1/2 century, yet man is utterly clueless at every level.. Simply mind boggling??? Humanity can't be stagnant for long, it will go back if it doesn't soon go forward. You still burn wood for gods sake..

NASA, the biggest technology organization, certainly in terms of money spent, has no clue whatsoever about the GALT chemical reactor technology of the 40', 50's, 60's, and termination in the 1970's, now known as LFTR, can pull CO2 from the atmosphere as it cools itself with sea water, which I assume the brain washed Astronaut is referring to CO2 as terrible pollution, and make carbon nano materials, or 90% cleaner burning synthetic gasoline, and Diesel fuel, which the Navy has been doing for over ten years... In 2013 the Navy made such synthetics with sea water for 1/3 the cost of ground based fossils. Why don't you hear about any of these facts, and instead only nonsense from well connected mind controlled drones? Because you're all afraid of standing up to the BULLY. Government is an apparatus of control, like a slave master yielding a whip. Those who hold this whip in their control are not about to free humanity with great technologies like LFTR.  The masses must rise up, take LFTR and shove it down their throats, so we can actually fix bad environmental damage humans have caused, which is not CO2. The truth will free you, you'll die from lack of truth (knowledge). CO2 emissions is actually very good for our environment, spraying the atmosphere on purpose with metal oxide particulates is not at all good for the environment, or the ozone. It's high time to stand, and fight with words of truth!!! You can plainly see what we (freedom) is up against, by this mans damaging vague comments on atmospheric pollution he's hinting about. I'd love to debate this man on atmospheric pollution, to get his truthful opinion, but they don't dare debate with truth.....  A quick 5 minute LFTR presentation:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK367T7h6ZY
Also the globalist are giving LFTR a USA invention to China, to financially lock it up!!
Its hard to get any info on GALT, its been wiped from history pretty good.  Watch this guys stuff before he dies mysteriously in a car accident, I'm just saying I wouldn't be a bit surprised if he gets stopped before he gets his book out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJKU1Np7-Lc&list=PLxo0n5e-gIxG4MLKEmodlGmS2RVo9FclC&index=4

Trump Doubles Down On 'Islam Hates Us'; 'I Don't Want To Be So Political...

The religion of Islam is radical, read it.. The word Islam itself is radical, it means submit, that's radical. If you're forced to submit that's radical too. Written facts are not debatable, its written down, as all major religions are.. Don't give me this interpretation non sense, well over one hundred commands of violence, not to mention sharia law, or how to treat slaves etc. It's nothing like any other major religion, because it's not just a religion, it's national governance, and military. The words on the pages for 14 hundred years are radical.. Get that through your thick skulls before they get chopped off! '''ISLAM AS WRITTEN IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH WESTERN NATIONS!!!!!!!! We will have to change for them, or put up with constant terror attacks increasing with Islamic population. Facts, reality, knowledge, intelligence, are key to survival of your way of life. YOU WILL DIE FROM LACK OF KNOWLEDGE!!!!!!!! Quit worrying about what people think about you, when you speak the truth.. PC is a facade for mind control, trash it now.. All we really need is lots and lots of freedom, and we will in time succeed at changing Islam, and saving all of its generation of forced followers, and victims. Humanity loves freedom and Muslims are no exception. Like it or not, mankind has been given this challenge, make the correct choices, and freedom will prevail in time. What doesn't kill freedom will make it stronger. Humanity will need some strong freedom to reach the stars. That's another way of saying, its all about development. Your real enemy is not some putrid human religion, it's the wretched controlled governments that are controlling the mind numbed populace, in many ways including with Religion. Religion is the major control grid, government is using on you, but it's a double edged sword for them, if enough of you figure that out. The bottom line is follow your religions correctly, or get the hell out of them, because Christians and their leaders are unknowingly siding with the BEAST more then not. DO NOT FEAR EVIL, PERIOD!!!!!!!! Your all a part of the BEAST to some degree, all 7.5 billion of you. Don't fear, and take a milli-step in a direction you '''''KNOW'''' is right, keep doing that, and don't beat your self when you stumble. Forgive yourself, just as you forgive others, and eventually if enough of you do this, the BEAST will starve. It survives on suffering. FREEDOM is essential for successful long term existence of humanity..
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7TAAw3oQvg   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnOF7y-KuHE

Its not flesh & blood body of the Muslim we (freedom) is at odds with, it's the written word of Islam. Bombing Muslim neighborhoods trying to kill known jihad militants is exponentially increasing the problem.  Osama Bin Laden said on camera as a direct message to the west, paraphrasing, we attacked you on 911 so you would attack us to grow jihad. He listed three reasons, I will look it up later.  There is a way for freedom to extinguish the raging fires of heavily armed, by the west, militant jihad, but it will not be decided by governments that are not controlled by their people (freedom).  You have to send in highly skilled mercenaries (the best skilled humanity has to offer which only freedom can deliver) to painstakingly kill, or force them to surrender until the fires are mopped up.  There will have to be mop up crews till the 'end of time' to keep this mess under control. But it must be private mercenaries not kid soldiers, of our precious sons and daughters, because that's exactly what the religion of Islam wants according to its written word. And again, very important that you understand, its not the flesh and blood Muslim human body you're at war with, it literally is a written Religion that is carrying out its prescribed works to progress and defend itself.  Freedom can only win this by using freedom, which means the best FREE humanity has to offer.

To beat jihad we have to make radical changes in our way of thinking.  Our nation must put on oil tariffs that are in line with our oil companies needs to deliver our own oil, $50 to $60 a barrel. Then we must burn coal, and build LFTR from Flibe Energy ASAP. We must develop carbon nano material technology ASAP, LFTR depends on it to work properly. Coal oil and gas are needed for carbon materials, plus hydrogen fuel cells and rocket fuel.  So fossil fuel companies are not at risk from LFTR. It's in fact the exact opposite. Fossil hydrocarbons have only scratched the service of mans needs of them. They are way more valuable as material then as energy.  The volume demand for hydrocarbons will be far greater then as fuel, trust me.  It is a complete lie that we need Islamic countries to defeat “radical Islam”..  We need to completely disassociate our trade, and support of all Islamic nations, and send freedom derived mercenariness to physically mop up, and disarm the jihad militants we've created.  And not worry about what any other nation does in trade with them, in other words sanctions on Islamic nations is cruel and unusual punishment on the people of those nations.  Its only America that needs to separate its trade of these nations for such time as all physical hostilities are ended.  We need to still work with these nations in so much as defense against jihad groups, but we don't need to bring them in, there will be plenty of volunteers from those nations who are currently fighting the jihad militants now, that will gladly help our efforts to extinguish hostilities. Let go and let freedom is the guiding principal in this struggle.  The hardest thing will be forcing governments apparatus, which currently is completely out of freedoms control, to go with freedoms flow. Our nation at every level needs to unite in this effort to realize our interest is the survival of freedom for all of humanity, but only our nation actions are we responsible for, and if we take the right actions we have the power to make this happen, we really do still possess enough power to pull this off.  Its not as crazy or out of the current established system as it seems, and I cant write a text book in this little comment, but trust me my words here are not something that our pentagon will not understand.  Think of it as a huge battle ship that we need to steer back on the correct course, it is doable.  We are all one people on this planet, we love our neighbors, but we must look at our own nations actions to turn this freedom ship, because we are its captain, and as humans we all want freedom.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Cruz Supporter Knocks Melania Trump: She's 'Posed Nude,' Is 'Foreign-Born'

I sent this message to Ben Carson's new ?  http://www.myfaithvotes.com/

If Christians were truly Christians as their religion reads, they would not fear evil, and would not be overwhelmingly siding with evil.  The Christian Religion commands you to fear god, not evil.  The BEAST (for FYI BEAST is the best word in the English language for me to describe what's enslaving humanity, it just so happens to be a biblical terminology also) is in near complete control of you so called Christians, because you fear it, not god..  There's all kinds of suffering, in large part because of so called Christians cowering down to evil..  You die from lack of knowledge!!  The truth shale set you free!!  The truth shale free you is not just a biblical term, it's the way of the universe..  The more you know, the more freedom you have at your disposal.  A ZOO monkey may feel free.  Freedom is noticed by intelligence. Intelligence is another word for understanding, reality, truth, etc..  I'm not trying to trash any religion, I'm merely saying pull your heads out of your asses, and do what the Religion you profess to follow says to do..  Strive to learn reality, and stop fearing evil, by advancing, you will free up your time so you can learn more. Your Bible doesn't say to stay in the dark ages, it also doesn't say to stay in the industrial/steel/fossil fuel age forever ether..  Now., wouldn't a new energy/material paradigm stop world wide poverty, pollution, famine, suffering of all sorts, while empowering humanity to learn truth, reality, etc..  Well., that energy paradigm has been staring you in the face sense the 1960's..  Your fear of EVIL is the only reason the BEAST is preventing humanity from having what is right before your blind eyes..

By the way this new paradigm doesn't stop the need for fossil hydrocarbons, it merely softly migrates the use of coal, oil, and gas, from fuel to carbon for man made materials, and hydrogen for rockets, and electric solid carbon fuel cells..   You'll be building space elevators, mining the moon, mars, and asteroids for starters..  You will be able to see the dangers of large space rocks, and be able to attach guidance rockets to send them into the sun..  You will loose the ability to lie to one another, and enter the age of truth, the age of carbon based materials that way out perform, the age of very very very inexpensive electricity.  First with MSR's like LFTR, then helium3 from the moon, then the ability to control anti matter. Cheap energy, and material science work hand and hand, so don't buy into the prospects of mining the moon for hilium3, and bypassing Molten Salt Reactors, like LFTR..  If you really think China can mine the moon without carbon age technology I've got some Andromeda space dust to sell you..  It will never happen..  You're 60 years behind, because you fear your captors.   You could be burning thorium at 97% efficiency, compared to uranium at only .05% efficiency, with horrible waste issues to boot, not to mention the utter disaster you'd have if the sun happens to blast the northern hemisphere.. Come on, wake up, you're very unnecessarily fragile at the moment..  QUIT BEING COWARDS!!!
Trumps bravery against evil shows many times more Christian principal then all the so called "Christians" bashing him combined. Trump is fearlessly standing for nationalistic policies which is against the NWO's deceiving evil agenda of destroying national sovereignty, I cant say that for Ted Cruz's track record : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gXcYCwaBKnQ  Just maybe Trump will promote the chemical reactor like JFK did?   "Nothing to fear but fear itself"  Who will take on this energy issue, the "Christians" leaders are obviously to scared to do anything, much less this battle..  No Christian leader on earth is taking on big evil as bravely as Trump. Just how brave is Trump??  The time for LFTR, and other nuke waste cleanup MSR's is now..  The sleeping giant will back Trump, in the 60's no one knew about the GALT chemical reactor, much less back JFK on it..  This time will be different.  It's very messy and risky for evil powers to kill a well backed leader, because it can just as easily backfire on them, and backfire sure seams to be the trend..

Advancing energy/material technology to such a degree will vastly increase human freedom, it's like a short circuit quantum leap forward.  Coal vastly increased mans freedoms, and freed his time to learn, this is orders of magnitude better then coal energy, not to mention allows us to use coal for what it was really meant for.

Friday, March 4, 2016

The Trump Doomsday Scenario

We are all a part of our own enemy (the enemy of freedom), as such we would be smart to circumvent our enemies power structure, which we are forced participants of, by entering a new energy/material paradigm, thus starving the BEAST. That's the whole strategy in as few words as possible, any questions? The BEAST feeds on suffering, the new paradigm stops suffering by over 90% in the long run..

LFTR, and the thorium scandal + energy intense man made carbon nano material future potential..  LFTR is the old GALT chemical reactor technology developed from mid 40's to mid 70's, this needs to be resurrected, so we can afford to mass produce carbon based future materials which way outperform anything man has ever dreamed of..  This energy / material paradigm shift is the easy way to kill the current BEAST enslaving humanity..

JFK wanted GALT to be humanities power source, but the BEAST stopped it..  Trump needs to bring this back to the table ASAP..   This will allow us to go to blows with the BEAST as it comes forth (reveals itself at the upper levels) to stop the new paradigm..  If we continue to sit back in fear we (freedom) will be destroyed..

No matter how stupid this all may sound, it is the reality..  But as devils advocate, lets say its all nonsense..  The energy/material technologies are real, and need to be implemented to empower humanity..  With dirt cheap energy there will be no more pollution, no clean water shortage, no more poverty as we know it.  Whoever will resist this, is exposing themselves as the enemy.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

'River Of Trash' Chokes This Suburb

Build clean incinerators, and turn it into carbon, and electricity. You can burn this as clean as coal is burned in the US.. You don't technically burn it, you heat it without oxygen, and still the liquid fuels that come from it, which are used to continue the process.. If you can make electricity with trash just as clean as burning coal, then why the hell would you do anything else with it?? And, I not only mean plastic, I mean especially plastic!!!!! ''''EVERYTHING!!!!! but metal and food waste, although soft metals can be gathered melting from the ovens of this process.. All food waste is 110% recyclable as soil food.. There's no such thing as wasting food in 'intelligent life' civilizations, whats that say for humans???? It's sooooooo hard to be patient, and nice with so much god damn ignorance.. Government is the big RETARD in the room, get the picture?????  Trash is a resource when your intelligent!!  Quit fearing the beast, and kill the god damn retarded thing!  LFTR & man made carbon based material which replaces everything, because it orders of magnitude out performs, steel, aluminum, copper, reinforced concrete, asphalt, rubber, silicon, wood, plastic, glass, you name it..  The carbon age is made out of Coal, oil, & gas..  Coal was great for mankind as energy, but it's down right magical as carbon based materials..  The only thing holding man back is fear..  MSR'S like LFTR & coal = energy/material paradigm shift, witch ''''WILL!!  kill the beast..

Elizabeth Warren Exposed Hillary Clinton as Huge Phony Years Ago

Freedom doesn't pay enough, it's way way way out spent.. Only someone on the take can survive in DC.. If freedom wants representation, they have to force feed a giant pay increase on DC officials.. So that when "angels" do end up there, they can survive.. Bare minimum 10 X pay increase is needed.. It wouldn't mean no crooks would be attracted anymore, it simply means intelligent high integrity candidates would be. And eventually the DC landscape would be majority "angels" rather then "devils".. I've seen lots of people go to DC over the years who could not be bought, but they did not survive in that environment, or failed to get anything done. Frankly I always figured they were "suicidal", plain ignorant, or at best very naive to think they could make it there. Think about it, the most powerful people on earth, dealing with billions & billions of $$$, and we pay freshmen congressmen what a high school principal gets, which shouldn't even be a government job in the first place.. For the masses (freedom) to think it's going to ever get represented in that environment is complete utter ignorance..

Freedom is only in the eye of the beholder.. A Zoo monkey may feel very free.. Perhaps humanity as a whole is simply not intelligent enough to see that it is very much enslaved because only a minority notices??? Or am I just getting frustrated with the lack of over all human progress? It's time to advance to a new energy/material paradigm!!!

Friday, February 26, 2016

Revolution | Marco Rubio for President


We need a revolution much bigger then the Reagan to kill the Beast!!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Why Evangelicals Are Born Again for Donald Trump | Dana

Will Power18 minutes ago (edited)
"revenge", Jesus Christ you guys are completely dead headed.. Look morons, we will not be a country if we can't turn things around. Saying we want revenge is like saying after pearl harbor we just wanted revenge on Japan?? ''No., we had to defeat Japan or be defeated. This is such elementary stuff it's embarrassing we have to discus it.. Trumps the only man saying what needs to be done to turn this country in the right direction, if you don't believe he's genuine that's one thing, but he is the only man saying correct policies, he also looks to be the only man in American history who can actually achieve it.. Ted Cruz never talked about a wall publicly that I ever heard, now he's just taking that because Trump's success with it... You guys are showing the true deprived state of Christianity.. Lets face the facts, if all those who declare themselves Christians actually lived the faith, America would be heaven on earth.. You so called Christens meaning Dana and the other gal on this clip, are actually placing a moral judgment on Trumps supporters.. Placing Moral judgment is blaspheming more the my words at the start of this comment?? ''Again., your pathetic arguments against Trump is very disingenuous at a time the world is entering into the age of truth, among other ages, it's just not going to work anymore!!!! What did you think the term awakening the sleeping giant meant?? It means when those who can discern truth, reality, intelligence, ""CORRECTLY!!, get exited by what they hear.. Whoever's wrong will loose in these epic struggles for human freedom. There's no better guy then Trump running, not even close..

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Andy Puzder: I’d support Trump if he were the nominee

Let me explain what we, the supporters of Trump, mean by the word establishment. First; it has no party, second; it has no public appearance, third; many past presidents warned, and spoke about it, fourth; many many books from authors all over the world have written about it, fifth; religious literature of all major religions talk about it, sixth; it controls the Republican party, and the Democratic party, seventh; the vast majority of reps in DC who are a part of this “establishment” haven't the slightest clue they are a part of this establishment, I could go on and on, but I digress..

If you would like to hear past presidents of both parties speak on this look at their memoirs, starting with JFK.  He was famous for speaking out about the secret societies which control the establishment of Washington DC.  Get the picture yet? didn't think so!!

To simplify for you college "educated" morons! It's the force that has been taking America towards the anti freedom mess it's in today!! ''Now, I still don't expect you "educated" morons to have clue what I'm talking about, but I assure you, Trumps supporters understand crystal clear what I'm talking about!!  I also assure you Trump supporters are still growing exponentially as his massage becomes completely understood by the masses.. 

Turkey Seeks to Become New Ottoman Empire with sultan Erdogan


America is helping this happen in a big way.. This is a big problem for FREEDOM!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

BREAKING: Arabs Now Have Nukes.


The engine of human civilization is running to fast for the controllers,
so they're simply screwing in the governor to insure they can keep
their control. The easy way to stop them is, destroy their ability to
slow the engine, by forcing LFTR an energy/material paradigm shift down
their throat..

Friday, February 19, 2016

Reality Check: What Trump's Love For Eminent Domain Tells You About His ...

Trump does not have a love for eminent domain!!  That's the most ridiculous lie about him yet, or right up there.  ''Look., no developer, or entity who has to deal with "eminent domain", or its different forms world wide, even likes it mush less loves it.. I'm sure Trump like everyone else, hates it, but there's no way around it!!!!!!!  With such massive fraud in government, and people are afraid of a real estate developer going to DC, it blows my mind!!

Some form of "eminent domain" laws have to be in place for an advanced civilization to develop. If not, can someone explain to me what we'd do without it?? Every large developer has to deal with it.. The Bush family has used it. This is an absolutely retarded argument.. Please tell me what we'd do without some form of "eminent domain"??? We'd look like India without it..

All we need is true Ayn Rand type freedom, and America wouldn't even have a massive connected, fragile, (retarded) power grid, which could have never been built without "eminent domain", or something like it!! We could have had a much more modular, diverse, redundant, very low vulnerability, multi power grid system if we had used the GALT chemical reactor technology developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory from the mid 40's to the mid 70's before it was completely shut down. Yes, even John F Kennedy wanted to see GALT developed, and implemented. What a different world we'd have today!!!  GALT is now known as LFTR  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK367T7h6ZY  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq8-_RziOoQ

Freedom is all humanity needs, but even with the best freedom man could ask for, something like "eminent domain" would have to be in place for us to develop in a commonsense fashion, PERIOD!!  Hate to brake such reality to the famous reality check guy, but I'm very very surprised he has such a view????

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

LFTRs in 5 minutes - Thorium Reactors

LFTRs in 5 minutes - Thorium Reactors https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uK367T7h6ZY  please like the video, and sign the change.org LFTR petition..  This is the spear that will kill the current Beast over humanity..  It's very hard for the little guy to see long term trajectories, but that is how you're being killed, (kept down, subdued, enslaved, etc)..  It's high time you learn your enemy and how to easily kill it!!!!  Even your Bibles say "For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light", that is the way of the universe we are in..  It doesn't have to be hard..  You're dying from nothing, but lack of knowledge.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jq8-_RziOoQ

The small group running world empire knows full well about this technology, and has clearly covered it up..  With research, you'll see the blatant measures it has taken to hide this from public knowledge. 'Public knowledge' is the only power big enough to over take the power afforded them by their multi trillion dollar net worth..  They've taken great measures to keep this knowledge from household awareness, from it's inception in the 1940's right up to the present day.. A group that controls hundreds of trillions (yes with a T) of dollars in assets, the wealthy can not go against their will, or they will not be wealthy for long, '''ONLY!!!! the masses can successfully do anything about this issue..  If the masses get informed on this, the wealthy will get behind them, but it will not happen the other way around!!  Ayn Rand knew about this technology, she followed it very close, as she was very intellectually astute in nuclear energy technologies, and very very exited about this particular technology, which back then was called the GALT chemical reactor. It is now known as LFTR..

Did you know JFK openly endorsed the GALT chemical reactor!  I'm fairly sure Donald John Trump hasn't even heard of any of this..  If he should find out, he may as well go balls out on this, and promote the hell out of it, what do ya say???  If I had to guess the only man running with balls enough would be Dr Ben Carson, he fears God, but not much else!!!  I'm fairly sure he knows nothing about this either??  If Ben took off with this, Trump possibly would too?

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Rich Lowry, Andrea Tantaros discuss Trump's Iowa loss to Cruz.

Rich Lowry, has no clue!! Iowa was clearly Cruz's to loose, because of
his mass effort there, and because his so called "Christianity", he got
the famous Iowa evangelical vote.. Cruz had to fraudulently take votes
from Carson to win, which would have gave it to Trump, plus Trump
missing the debate helped Rubio tremendously.. Trump won stealthily,
which will arouse support in N.H., because everyone else will not see it
like this therefore come out of the woodwork to make sure Trump doesn't
loose again. Cruz is a one state wonder guaranteed. The race now is
between Rubio and Trump. That's good, and bad news, but I'm fairly sure
Trump will win handily, only to be likely stopped by a tragedy, then
Rubio gets picked as runner up, and will barely loose to Hillary in the
general. This likely scenario has to be foiled, and definitely can be.
Meaning Trumps flight plans have to be kept evasive, and other measures
must be taken!! '''WE ARE IN A WAR FOR FREEDOM, '''AMERICA!!, WAKE THE

Monday, February 1, 2016

Ross: Socialism vs. fascism vs. Hillary Clinton

How is Donald J Trump an extreme right wing intolerant authoritarian??  Because he wants to have borders, and enforce immigration laws?  Because he wants to expose a so called religion that in its 1400 year old text itself says in over a hundred passages http://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx    it's at war with all non believers of Islam, not to mention has a 1400 year recorded track record of slaughtering non believers., and Trump just wants to pause the admission of those who worship in this religion until we can assess what the hell is going on??  Or is it because Trump wants to bring back American manufacturing, and stop the dependence on a truly fascist state like China for all our manufactured goods?? Hillary is a left wing intolerant authoritarian who would bring communism to America faster then anyone, including Bernie sanders.  Of course Hillary believes in market forces, anyone with half a brain does, but Hillary plans to use market forces to destroy freedom and bring down America while Trump plans to use market forces to bring free America back to greatness. How is that fascism??  Also it's impossible for an Authoritarian to be pro arming its populace, which Donald is in full support of.  This kid just simply doesn't have the slightest clue what he's talking about, which is very typical of lefties.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Evidence: Is Hillary Clinton behind BLM Land Grab, To Sell Uranium To Ru...

Another censored comment:
With the old 40's 50's & 60's G.A.L.T. technology now known as L.F.T.R. we no longer need uranium for fission power. LFTR's (liquid fluoride thorium reactors) use thorium.  LFTR's use 97% of the fissile material todays reactors at best have only used .07% hence the waste issue which LFTR doesn't have..  LFTR is walk away safe, if it were at Fukushima it would have harmlessly solidified.

Monday, January 25, 2016

RUSAL's Deripaska says world needs a carbon tax

Another censored comment:
A carbon tax would be stupid, even if fairly implemented, which we all
know it wouldn't be. But whatever it takes to force the awakening of the
old 1940's, 50's, 60's, & early 70's GALT (Geothermal Atmospheric
Liquefied Thorium) Now known as LFTR (Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactor)
it's a type of MSR (Molten Salt Reactor) A temperature liquefied,
fluoride salt of thorium, and U233. Its where Ayn Rand got the last
name for her fictitious character John Galt of Atlas Shrugged. This
technology was buried by our slave masters. It's time to unearth it,
and shove it down their throat side ways.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Refugees carrying contagious bacterial infections in Denmark?

''''WOW...., how many vaccines has Dr Marc Siegel received in his life time??  Perhaps fairly soon he and many others promoting vaccines will not be able to keep such secretes..

The hand held voice lie detector, which is 99% accurate according to agencies like the FBI, CIA, DOD, and many others, has been operational for over ten years.  You can purchase this professional grade software for less than $2,000.00..  Some day if man takes the right path, lying will be impossible.  Everyone will have a hand held, or attached, super computer capable of easily detecting lying.. It's high time for humanity to advance!!  To most it seems we're advancing to fast already, but key technologies that would control the controllers are being suppressed at all costs..

Bibi Wilhailm - Ihr macht Deutschland kaputt! Aufklärung einer 16 jährig...

Hello, you can read the newspapers but this video is about the real
situation in Germany. I would like to tell everyone about this on
Youtube and Facebook. I am almost 16. I would like everyone to know what
is going on, what I am authentically feeling at this moment.

And I am so scared everywhere. For example, if my family and I go
out together, or if I see a movie with my friends. Usually I stay at
home, but sometimes I stay out until 6 pm in winter, and it is so scary.
It is just very hard to live day-to-day life as a woman.

I just want to say that I am not a racist. But one day, a
terrible thing happened at the supermarket. I ran all the way home. I
was so frightened for my life. There’s no other way to describe it.

My aunt and her friend have said you have to grow up. Why should
we, children, have to grow up in such fear? It’s not just me, my friends
too. You can see on Facebook, a 17 year old attacked, a 15 year old
attacked, two 12-year olds attacked, so many. It is really so sad that
this is happening … because of YOU PEOPLE. :(

I cannot understand why they do this. But more importantly, I
cannot understand why Germany is doing nothing! Why is Germany standing
by, watching, and then doing nothing? Please explain, why. Men of
Germany, these people are killing your children, they are killing your
women. We need your protection. We are so scared, we don’t want to be
frightened to go to the grocery store alone after sunset. The
politicians live alone in their villas, drink their cocktails, and do
nothing. They do nothing! I do not know what world they live in, but
please, people, please help us! Please, do something! I cannot
understand why this is happening. One day, my friend and I were walking
down the street, and a group of Arabs were protesting and demonstrating.
They shouted, “Allah! Allah! Allah is the one God! Kill those infidels!
Allah Allah!” What should I do? Should I wear a burka? Why should I
have to convert to Islam?

It’s fine if you believe in Allah, but why do you want to make
everyone else believe in Allah too? I just think it would be better if
there were no religion. Stop trying to make everyone else believe in
your God when they do not want to.

Please, people of Germany. Do something!

When I try to tell the authorities about what has happened, they
hold their hand up towards me and they say it is a problem and then
ignore it. and they laugh. It is unfair. They laugh at us. They say we
are dumb. They think this not only of me, but of the entire state of
Germany. They don’t care about our fear. Please help us. This is an
emergency! There are more and more of them.

One time in summer, the Muslims said we were sluts for walking outside in a t-shirt.

Yes, we were wearing t-shirts. It’s summer!

Another day, I was wearing this. My friend and I purchased it
while shopping hehe. If we feel like wearing it, we will wear it! And
you Muslims have no right to physically assault or rape us for it! God
willing, never in my life. You have no right to attack us because we are
wearing t-shirts. You also have no right to rape.

The life of Germany has changed because these people cannot
integrate. We give them so much help. We support them financially and
they do not have to work. But they only want more babies and more
welfare and more money. Men of Germany, please, patrol the streets and
protect us. Do this for your women and your children. If you do that, I
believe that we will have a chance.

This sort of action would be wonderful. We would be so grateful
and thankful. So many thanks, if steadily, more men would come to
protect us. We are so scared.

I am so upset about what Merkel has done.

Thank you, Angela Merkel, for killing Germany! I have no more
respect for you, Merkel. I do not think you know what you have done. You
do not see how our lives have changed. Open your eyes! Is this normal?
Should I, a 16-year old who is almost 17, be so scared to walk outside
my house? No, it is not normal. You have killed Germany!

This is the truth. We are no longer allowed to walk outside. We
are no longer allowed to wear our clothes. We are no longer allowed to
live the German life. This is the sad truth.

I think it’s about time to end this video. I believe I have given
a full account from a normal person. I hope others can see this and

I only want to end with one message: Men, please, help your
women. Help your children. I am so scared. My friends have the same
fear. We are shocked that this has happened. I hope this video can
convince you, and that this terrible events can stop.


Thursday, January 21, 2016

Government incentives for going green

Of course the below comment was censored, simply incredible how much censorship goes on, LOL..

Who John Galt actually is:
Ayn Rand's Jonh Galt certainly represented all John and Jane Doe's. But
he also was a particular person, because he had a last name, and not
just any last name. GALT was a heroic new energy technology that would
solve all humanities environmental problems. It would obviously take
more than just John Galt by himself. It would take all the John and
Jane Doe's acknowledging John Galt's mission as a very good one, and
making sure he was successful. Government, those who control it that is,
have ZERO interest in "going green"!! All the "going green" policies
actually damage the environment for many reasons, but mostly because
they drastically increase the price of energy. GALT reactor technology
would have been pursued from the 70's on if government was actually
interested in "going green". Galt reactor technology is now known as
LFTR, and the government is still ignoring it!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Ayn Rand and the Prophecy of Atlas Shrugged 2011

Who John Galt actually is:
Ayn Rand's Jonh Galt certainly represented all John and Jane Doe's.  But he also was a particular person, because he had a last name, and not just any last name.  GALT was a heroic new energy technology that would solve all humanities nasty problems of strife, pain, and suffering as we know it.  For example, it would end terror of all kinds even radical Islamic, it would end the abortion problem, pro and con, it would end, lying, steeling, and crime of all kinds, it would end poverty as we know it, it would end our slave masters. Which is why we needed a hero to implement it. Because very powerful, in fact the most powerful human forces on the planet were opposed to GALT coming to reality..  It would obviously take more than just John Galt by himself.  It would take all the John and Jane Doe's acknowledging John Galt's mission as a very good one, and making sure he was successful. Freedom and happiness for all depends on it. Fact is the masses are the most powerful human force, but they don't know it because they're not united..

Liberty University president explains Trump's surge

Jerry Falwell, Jr. , I couldn't agree with you more!  TRUMP 2016!!!

Can Trump bring American companies back to the U.S.?

'''THERE WAS REASONS FOR TARIFFS, AND THE #1 REASON IS KEEP JOBS!!!!! How the hell did protection of ones own country become a bad name.. Personally I'm done with the junk from China.. You can't by good stuff anymore, cheap price is not always the best bang for the buck, not to mention the environmental disaster of throwaway junk from 'Chiner'.. China's a sick joke just like their products, and the best way to deal with that joke, inferior products, not to mention environmental disaster, is TARIFFS!! China is a command economy, America is suppose to be free market capitalism, at least that's what made us the only country that gives to everyone but never has taken a dime!  Why are we so stupid to through that away, and prop up communist command societies?? This is the very thing Tariffs were invented for!!!  Tariffs is the only legal, and proper means to deal with unfair trade!  Wake up people, because your slave masters are not looking out for your best interest, that's up to you!!!

Monday, January 18, 2016

Connecting the Dots: The GALT Chemical Reactor (2 of 8)

These are kinda difficult as video presentations, but for the intelligent they have lots of info..  The real good stuff is never easy..

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Galt  " When asked "Who is John Galt?", she replies "We are!"  "  A lot of folks wonder, "who is John Galt"..

John (John Doe, Jane Doe) is potentially all of us who strive for human freedom, Galt is LFTR (a paradigm shift in human advancement). John Galt is the men and women who make GALT reactor technology a reality for humanity. Because only the people can make this radical advancement occur, therefore John G.A.L.T. is the sufficient masses who take action which succeeds..  The Elites will do whatever it takes to stop LFTR, which is nearly free energy, including full scale nuclear war.  In simple terms, the masses must become aware of technologies like LFTR, and force them down the throat of the Beast, we're never going to get them otherwise. For example after Kirk Sorensen uncovered GALT reactor technology (LFTR), which fissions a chemical form of thorium and U233, the elites ordered the destruction of the worlds only stock pile of U233..

LFTR will not end demand for coal, oil, and gas, only it wont be for energy, instead for carbon atoms to produce carbon nano materials.. The value, and demand of fossil hydrocarbons will increase. The process to mass produce these fantastic nano materials require lots of energy. The 'carbon age' (man made carbon based materials that outperform therefore replace everything) can only come about with cheap safe clean abundant energy,  LFTR is the first step.  In the carbon age man can concentrate on the beauty of nature instead of using nature..  For example wood will only be needed as visual comport not as structure anymore..  Man made carbon materials will require lots of carbon which will have to come from fossils leaving hydrogen byproduct for fuel cells..  Therefore the 'carbon age' will bring a new need for coal, oil, and gas, that's orders of magnitude more important to the advancement of humanity than it was as fuel..  Thorium fissioned in a LFTR is 1 million times more energy dense than coal.. Even 100% efficient solar panels pale in comparison, LFTR is also cleaner energy than 100% efficient solar panels..  Man only needs LFTR for few hundred years, till we can obtain, and utilize, with advanced material science, Helium 3 fusion..  Beyond that will come mans ability to control antimatter as energy..  Man can not stay stagnant, he'll ether go back towards the dark ages, or forward to the 'carbon age'.  It's time to advance humanity!!

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Why making energy from dirt might save the world | Rusty Towell | TEDxACU

LFTR, because it's time to advance the human race!

Sean Penn: El Chapo's Accomplice or Dupe?

It's not that a large number of citizens glorify drug lords, it's that well over 90% of humans smell something stinks with governments discrimination of drugs, and the plants they are derived from.. For example, parents are forced by threat of loosing their child to place them on SSRI's. The crazy control over plants that make the illegal drug trade possible, seems rather fishy. Most humans can sense evil. Almost none have time for, or interest, not to mention means or intellect, in figuring out the details. I think people sense more evil in those who represent government then in criminals government goes after, it's just not that easy for most to put their finger on it.. One thing everyone knows for absolute certainty, through long time observation of drug lord apprehensions, there will be no change whatsoever in drug supply, or street level hell that the "illegal" drug trade brings.. ''So, by simple deductions and conclusions, the problem is not the type trade that develops through human nature that is the root cause of the suffering, but the type of policy that is forced on humans by their slave lords..

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Did Sean Penn inadvertently do 'El Chapo' in?

'''So.., when is the government laws against freely growing the following plants; poppies, coca, and marijuana going to work to stop human suffering????? The laws don't seem to be working for the people!!!! You want to end suffering, and drug lords?? Just implement freedom, it works every time its tried, without exception.. You will destroy the stronger strains of these plants by letting anyone grow them as unregulated as tomato's, its called pollination!! The more regulated a plant is the more it's dug potential will be concentrated, and packed for shipment, therein lies the addiction problem.. It's so hard for people to see the real problem here.. Ask yourself this question, if there will be more addiction to these plant derivatives after freedom of them, then at least the addicted will not have to pay blood to get there fix, right?? In other words, the absolute worst case scenario would still be far better then what we have today.. And medical science has proven people will not get addicted to the weaker strains of these plant derivatives! Who's going to pay for stronger strains when they can freely grow them?? No one is!! That's the reason they are illegal.. '''So.., who's aiding the drug lords really??? Government control is the '''ONLY reason there's drug lords, period!! People are 98%+ good, it's the environment that our slave masters place us in that creates the unnecessary suffering.. Controlling people will eventually backfire!! The forces of this universe tend to even everything out given enough time.. And guess what, now ISIS can profit much much more form heroin imports, now that Guzman is gone.. Taking out Guzman will not change a single solitary thing, or drop supply one iota. Freeing these wonderful plants so they can naturally go back to their native existence will drastically change everything for the better..

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Philly Mayor: ISIS-Inspired Cop Shooting 'Had Nothing to Do With Any Faith'

This riveting video [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=708uCXAO6SE ] by Robert Spencer of Koran teachings on the foundation of jihad, now and sense the day it was written approx 1400 years ago.. It's not like it's disputable, its been written in black and white for a long time.. It's comical how all these government (mind control, govern = control, ment = mind) officials always lie about this issue...LOL Evil will always ally with evil, sense mind control is not good, it can only be placed in the evil category.. Whatever "evil" is, one things for sure human activity that can be placed in that category happens every second of every day.. "Evil can't tell the truth if it wanted to", is true!!  Anything deemed the "official" narrative is guaranteed to be the polar opposite of reality, every time, no exceptions!!!.. Evil is pathetic, and only requires no one to light it up, to exist.. Just flic the lights of truth on.. "The truth shale set you free", is true!! "What you don't know wont hurt you", is a lie!!  "You die from lack of knowledge", is true!! Knowledge = truth, reality, etc.. '''Ignore your government., as it always has, and always will help spread a spiritual enemy of freedom..  '''Speaking only to the citizen., you have to know your enemy to deal with it correctly..   Forget altogether that government, left or right will correctly deal with a spiritual enemy of freedom on behalf of freedom, it absolutely positively will not, no exceptions whatsoever!!!!!  Government doesn't deal with freedom (a spiritual force by definition) nor terror (also a spiritual force by definition) correctly, and it '''NEVER will!!  You the people of this planet have to deal with this enemy of freedom correctly if freedom is to succeed, PERIOD!!!!  Freedom is the only anti terror, just as terror is anti freedom..  The later is why a terrorist religion was created in the first place, and why, at this time being spread yet again, by government, on purpose..  If these truths are hard for you to see, you need to get out of the darkness, or otherwise find light where you are..  "Nothing to fear but fear itself", is true!!  "Freedom, like the lion, defends itself", is true!!  "Freedom can handle any obstacle", is true!!  "Terror can handle anything that submits", is true!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you watch in order, you'll probably watch them all, they're short:
        ISIS is currently working on, with much help from many nation states, knocking out the US power grid, which is scandalously vulnerable..  In just 10 strategic substations they can take out our electric grid for 18 months..  They must achieve this before Obama leaves office to insure he stays as dictator of the most powerful nation on earth.. We can stop this if we take action..  Among lots of things we must immediately force the Impeachment of Obama, for many reasons, one; it will force this action sooner then they're ready thus foiling it, two; we cant take a chance on Obama taking reign of the world as dictator, three; if nothing else we must set a precedent that future presidents can't get away with blatant out in the open lawbreaking...  The Bergdahl swap is a quick and easy slam dunk case for impeachment..  The House would have no option but to Impeach over this easy case of not even informing congress let alone getting its legal approval..  A President can't release POW's without congressional approval, PERIOD!!!!!!!!  They were locked up during a congressional declaration of war!!!

Friday, January 8, 2016

Oregon Standoff: They're Not Militias! They're Yokels With Guns.

Of course the following comment was censored by the POS slimy yellow bellied child destroying commie pinko fags who run DC:

This has nothing to do with the color of skin.. The food producers of this entire planet are under assault for many many years.. Maybe only white people are willing to stand and fight back, i don't know?? But US feds have been stepping on ranchers and farmers toes for over half a century, something has to break eventually.. God know the American people are too cowardice to stand up for their food producers, so the ranchers alone must take a stand. Do you want good clean safe healthy food on your plate, or poison????? Careful who you criticize before you know the facts!!!!! Here's the legal facts explained eloquently, and the courts when forced have no choice but to follow the preceding explanation of whats really going on with the rancher standoff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T424sWq1SkE

The names involved are irrelevant in that this would have happened at some point anyway.. It's about the last half century of US Fed railroading our farmers and ranchers, who the coward dim wit Americans have absolute no concern in helping, have left the few brave ranchers willing to stand and take this effort all alone.. The Hammond's were threatened to dissociate from the Bundy's or face harder time in worse facilities..